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Carcinoid A rare form of "slow-growing" neuroendocrine cancer

Susan Anderson - An advocate for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Awareness

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Upcoming Conference

                                                     Updated:  20 July 2015

The New Jersey Carcinoid Cancer NETwork is pleased to announce the opening of registration for our fourth one-day conference event.

This conference is an all day event entitled “Carcinoid/NETs: Living Longer, Living Better” on Saturday, October 03, 2015 at the Crowne Plaza, 2055 Lincoln Highway, Edison, NJ 08817. The cost to attend is $30 per person and includes light breakfast, sit down lunch, breaks, taxes & gratuities and all lectures for the day. The deadline to register for this event is September 12th for mailed registrations and September 16th for on-line registrations with a PayPal payment.

The hotel is offering overnight rooms for $105 per night plus tax (approx. $16). The deadline to book a room at this rate is September 02, 2015.

 Scheduled to lecture are
cardiologist Dr. Jerome Zacks, founder of the Carcinoid Heart Center in New York City.
Dr. Thomas O’Dorisio from University of Iowa and very well known with the NET community.
Nancy Roenhelt PhD, NP (you may better know her as Nancy Gardner) and
Dr Richard Warner (the “guru”) from Mt Sinai School of Medicine, New York City.

For more information, directions, and a draft agenda and to register, go to our website at www.NJCarcinoidNETwork.org and click on the conference button.

Posted by: NoidFighter@aol.com

2016 National NET Patient  Conference
New Orleans, LA
September 22nd - Sept 24th.


The Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network (CCAN) has changed its name to The Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness Network (NCAN). Just the name has changed, our service and commitment has not. Watch for our new updated website to debut early 2015. And thanks for your support! 


-7th Annual Strides for Stripes will be held on Saturday Oct 24, 2015

-12th Annual 'Celebration of Life Gala' will be held Saturday November 14,2015


Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) is the umbrella term for a group of unusual, often slow-growing cancers,
which develop from cells in the diffuse endocrine system. They are found most commonly in the lung or gastrointestinal system, but they can also originate in other parts of the body such as the pancreas,
ovary, and testes, among other sites.

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Many of these are NEW links although same topic!

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Doctor Eugene A. Woltering, the Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network (CCAN) and the entire New Orleans Neuroendocrine Tumor Specialists (NOLANETS) team at Ochsner in Kenner LA are happy to announce the dates for the 2016 National Carcinoid-NETS conference. The conference will be held at the ASTOR CROWNE PLAZA at the corner of Bourbon Street and Canal Street in the heart of the French Quarter. Our preliminary plans are to maintain the same format as the past New Orleans conferences.

Like always---- we learn from doing these conferences. We welcome your suggestions about what you liked and disliked at the last conference. Please feel free to send me speaker/conference suggestions at ewolte@lsuhsc.edu.

The cost of the conference registration fees have not been worked out, but everyone who has attended our other NOLA conferences have remarked on the inexpensive nature of the registration fees when compared to the number of speakers, free meals and morning/afternoon snacks.

We are hoping that “all ya all” come on down and party with Doc W. and the rest of the New Orleans team. The hotel is beautiful, the food is fabulous and the meeting will provide you with loads of information

Eugene A. Woltering MD FACS, The James D. Rives Professor of Surgery and Neurosciences
LSUHSC Department of Surgery, New Orleans LA 70112
504-884-3555-cell     Clinic address:
200 West Esplanade Ave, Suite 200, Kenner La 70065
504-464-8500- clinic appointments
504-464-8525-clinic fax
1-866-91-ZEBRA  (1-866-919-3272)

LSU Healthcare Network assumes no responsibility for your reliance on information provided by its physicians in this public area chat room, support group or bulletin board.  Receipt of information or communication in this public area is not a substitute for medical exams, services or treatment you should always seek from a medical professional.  You are solely responsible for any associated consequences, claims or disputes and you expressly consent to jurisdiction in the courts of Louisiana where any may arise.  Call your doctor or 911 immediately for medical emergencies.


I have been working on a book since January 2011;
 it is 1/3 memoir, 1/3 genealogy, AND 1/3 Carcinoid - NETs,
plus some cultural history worked in through out the book.
  My editors shall copy edit and assist in layout, cover design and
all sorts of things involved with getting a book published. 
It was published, in July 2013!
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NEW NINE Conferences for the Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine
Tumor Community By The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF)


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New BOOK for the medical community:

Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Comprehensive Guide To Diagnosis and Management
published by Inter Science Institute.


Eugene A. Woltering, MD, FACS; Aaron I. Vinik, MD, PhD, FCP, MACP; Vay Liang W. (Bill) Go, MD; Thomas M. O’Dorisio, MD.

Those attending the Carcinoid Conference in Portland, OR
Sept. 28 - 30, 2006

received a copy of this book on CD in their registration packets.


A note from "Sunny" Susan Anderson regarding conferences.

From my experiences I can say, when attending a conference, you shall have a very educational and enjoyable time.  First we get to meet and hear some very special doctors speak, so we learn new things; then we are able to put faces with the people we only know on-line by their names;  we net-work with old friends, make new friends and know that we are not alone in battling our neuroendocrine cancer.

For the seven conferences I have attended, and others I was not able
to attend, click on the links to
 Conferences Past and Conference Pictures.  The conferences that I have been fortunate to attend were: 
March 3 and 4, 1999, The history making 1st Carcinoid
Seminar, Sarasota, Florida
May 11 and 12, 2000, The 2nd National Carcinoid Symposium
2000, Sarasota, Florida
April 12 & 13, 2002, The 3rd National Carcinoid Symposium,
Tampa, Florida
October 25, 2003 - CA Carcinoid Fighters Seminar 2003,
Santa Ana, California
September 23, 24, 25, 2004, Carcinoid Conference, New
Orleans, LA and
November 20, 2004,  1st International Meeting of Patient
Self-Help Groups (ENETS) Berlin, Germany

September 22, 23, 24, 2005, Carcinoid Conference, Philadelphia, PA

September 28, 29, 30, 2006, National Carcinoid / NET Conference, Portland, OR

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Since 1996 --- when I first located others with Carcinoid --- I have answered every email sent to me, although some replies were delayed longer than I liked. I am NO longer able to reply to all e-mails due to the volume and other things going on in my life (all good).  I do love hearing from others, but an unable to reply to all individually.  I shall not forget my many Carcinoid friends and of course shall reply to you … as time permits.  This web site was 19 years old on April 27, 2016, and my plan is to keep it updated for many years to come.

Since my husband "retired" I am away from my computer for days, and sometimes, weeks at a time.  Yes, there is wireless internet and we have tried that a number of places.  But, if I deal with email when we are away from home then it is not a "restful vacation" for me.

PLEASE use the SEARCH capability at the top my pages.  You may search for a word, a phrase, a drug, a treatment, a book title or anything you can think of. You may search this site only, or search the complete World Wide Web.

To speak with a person please know you may call the “telephone information and support line” of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, Inc. (CCF), Tuesday through Thursday  10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time at  1-888-722-3132 (free) or 1-914-693-1001.   “The information and support line” is staffed by medical professionals.   Mondays and Fridays are research days, if you call then and do not reach a person do leave a clear message.  The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s (CCF) superb web site is at http://www.carcinoid.org

CCF -  Serving the carcinoid/NETs  patient and medical community for 
nearly 50 years (chartered in 1968)
   “Meets Extensive Standards of America’s Most Experienced Charity Evaluator”
Better Business Bureau

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DISCLAIMER:  I am a patient and NOT a medical doctor or health care professional.  I share information and links to information that has been helpful to me and that I believe to be correct and good, but I cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information, except for MY stories.  I urge you not to rely only on this information but I believe you should discuss your situation and information with your medical doctors and/or other medical professionals.  "Sunny" Susan Anderson superb web site is at http://www.carcinoid.org

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Last modified: 07/19/15