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Carcinoid A rare form of "slow-growing" neuroendocrine cancer

Susan Anderson - An advocate for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Awareness

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If you are starting a support group in your area and would like to be listed,
please let me know.
    PLEASE let me know of changes.
   Sunny Susan at:  

 Updated: 27 April 2017


27 April 2017 this web site was 20 years old, the 1st by a Carcinoid patient!


There is HOPE for those diagnosed with Carcinoid/NETS. 

I've started my 23rd year of active, full life: May 10, 1995 -- May 10, 2017.

April 27, 2017 was the 20th anniversary of this page;
 the FIRST by a Carcinoid patient.


April 23, 2014 I began Dialysis every evening at home
due to being Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease.

My memoir book Becoming Sunny Susan is now available
softcover and ebook!  By Susan L. Anderson           

NEW -  
Click on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBZnPOGHf-8

to view the 90 second book trailer video from YouTube!

My story is one many of you can identify with – an uplifting look at a life that I am determined to live well, despite all the obstacles I have been dealt. At the heart of the story is the idea of LIVING with cancer. It took eight years to correctly diagnose my rare disease, Carcinoid/ Neuroendocrine Tumors. Then, they said I would die in just a few more years. That was 18 years ago, and here I am! How have I faired? Very well. Read the book to find out how I have lived a happy life, even with cancer.

Would you help to spread the positive word by telling your friends, by gifting the book, and by posting a review for other readers on the www.amazon.com  page? We know how valuable a positive recommendation can be.

                          * * * * * * * * * * * *     
IF you do not find what your are looking for here, please visit the web site of the
 Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, Inc. at

Please hit "reload", "refresh" or curved arrow back for the latest version, as with all
sections of this web page and others, thank you.

* * * * * * * * * * * *


The Gulf Coast Net Support Group.
Meeting from noon to 2 p.m. quarterly on a Saturday, lunch usually provided.
Meeting in waiting room of Cancer Surgery of Mobile.
Contact:  Michelle Cramblitt
Email: michelle.cramblitt@infirmaryhealth.org


Meet with others dealing with Carcinoid (themselves, or a family member) in a casual
informal setting.  Please feel free to join us.
Meeting every second Sat. of the month 1 to 3 p.m.
The Wellness Community of Central Phoenix
360 E. Palm Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85004-1531 
Phone 602-712-1006   Park in the rear parking lot 
For more information contact: 
Sharon Miller at 602-316-8192 or Email her at smiller870@juno.com
Carl J. Blomberg at 602-421-8961 or email at info@azcanfoundation.com

Sad news.  Marilyn Schmitt Burke suffered an aneurysm in her head and entered the ICU on Monday 8/10/2015
She passed away peacefully at 4:30 p.m., Wednesday 8/12/2015/

She was a dear friend and traveling companion.  She was, and always will be, an angel.
Marilyn was our beloved friend, mentor, cheerleader, and part of the heart and soul of the NET/Carcinoid community here is Arizona as well as the rest of the world. She was the first voice many talked to about this strange cancer that we have all found ourselves being diagnosed with. Her and Rick's support, knowledge and continued love and encouragement to "SEE A SPECIALIST"


Carcinoid One on One
A support group for those dealing with carcinoid, their family, friends, and caregivers.
Meets at 11 a.m. on Thursdays at the Mercy Cancer Center in Hot Springs, AR.
Contact for additional information:
Terri Wright, 501-760-2099 or Email:  terris12@sbcglobal.net


SEA (Support, Educate & Awareness for Carcinoid Patients)
South - San Diego
Contact: Jan Naritomi-Hart
Email: jnaritomihart@sbcglobal.net

Meeting the first Saturday of every month, 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m..
The Wellness Community- So . Bay Cities, 109 West Torrance Blvd., Redondo
Beach, CA 90277
Spouses, friends, family, caregivers, etc. all invited.
If interested in joining or for further information please email:
Pat Gerenday  Email:  c
arcinoidfighter@yahoo.com  or
Bisc Deeniham Email: bisc13@aol.com

Los Angeles Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumor Support (LACNETS)
This new group meets the 4th Thursday of each month from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm. 
Parking is validated in lots 1, 2, and 6.  A complimentary light lunch is served. 
The format of each meeting is a guest speaker followed by Q & A and group sharing.   
There is no December meeting and the group will resume meetings in January 2014
on the 4th Thursday. 
The group is co-facilitated by Cynthia Coffelt, LSCW, MPH and Hong Zhou, NP.
Samuel Oschin Cancer Center, Cedars Medical Center
8700 Beverly Boulevard, os Angeles, CA 90048
Contact: Giovanna Imbesi, el: 310-399-2800

Kaiser Carcinoid Support Group
Group for all carcinoid patients, families, friends, caregivers who seek increased
awareness, education and support about Carcinoid cancer.  Meeting the second
Saturday of each month from 1 to 4 p.m.  Kaiser Permanente Medical Center.
1600 Eureka Blvd. MOB D -- 3rd Floor, meeting room 1, Roseville, CA 95661.

(NorCal CarciNET -- NCCN)

Mission is to help those with carcinoid and other neuroendocrine tumors to share
challenges and experiences, learn about prognosis and treatments, find information,
and improve communications between the medical community and patients. 
First met Nov. 3, 2007 at the Wellness Community.
Meetings held the first Saturday of every month (effective June 2011) from
1 to 4 p.m. at the Cancer Support Community, 3276 McNutt Avenue, Walnut Creek,
Website www.norcalcarcinet.org

Contact: Josh Mailman   Email: contact@norcalcarcinet.org

A support group for survivors of Carcinoid, Pancreatic Islet cell, and related
neuroendocrine cancers and for their caregivers, family and friends. The group
serves all of Northern California. The informal meetings provide an opportunity
to gather for fellowship, sharing of experiences, support and information.
Meets every month, second Saturday of the month, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Meeting locations:
Odd-numbered months: O'Connor Hospital, 2105 Forest Ave., San Jose, CA 95218
Even-numbered months: 1775 Nephi Drive, Fairfield, CA 94533
The group also has an e-list. To join it go to: 
           NCNCF-subscribe@yahoogroups.com &     http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NCNCF/
Posts include meeting announcements and communication among group members.   
Contact person: Katherine Arbanasin  karbanis@yahoo.com


Colorado Carcinoid Cancer Support Group
A support/advocacy group that held their first meeting April 27, 2008,
in the Clubhouse of the Creekside Office Complex), to share experiences and
information, to network, to educate healthcare providers, and spread
public awareness of carcinoid/NETs.
Contact: Lesley Stabinsky Compton, PhD   Email: ronnierc1@msn.com

Web: http://www.cccsg.net/


A support/advocacy group started in 2004 to serve as a support group, to share experiences and information, to network, to educate healthcare providers and
spread  public awareness. 
Meetings are held bimonthly on the second Saturday of
that month; Veterans' Home & Hospital, 287 West St., Rocky Hill, CT.

website: http://www.ctcarcinoid.homestead.com
Contact person: Patricia Strong    Email: PStrongLaw@aol.com

Additional Connecticut support groups, also see New England and Metro NY Carcinoid Support Group (Under New York).

New England Carcinoid Connection, Inc.  (NECC)
NECC is a non-profit organization with the sole purpose of providing awareness, education and support to the New England Carcinoid/Neuroendocrine community.  (The six New England states are: CT, ME, MA, NH, RI and VT).  New England Carcinoid Connection, P.O. Box 366282, Boston, MA 02136-0024.
contacts:  Anita O'Brien at nitaobrien@comcast.net
Nancy Hawkins at ndhawk@suscom-maine.net
Jane Lombardi at janelombardi@aol.com
Visit the website: http://www.carcinoid-newengland.org/


Delaware Valley Carcinoid & NET Connection
Their web site http://www.phillycarcinoid.org/
Contact Suzi F. Garber at info@phillycarcinoid.org



Capital Area Carcinoid Survivors (CACS)
A patient-run support group formed in September 2001 for DC, VA, MD, and eastern USA. Patients, their families and friends meet monthly on Saturday 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Life With Cancer Family Center in Fairfax, Virginia For info call 703-255-0519 
Contact:  Mitch Berger - mitchmberger@msn.com


Florida Carcinoid Support Group
An informal support group.
Contact  Pam Powell of Orange City, FL, phone 386-775-2392 or   
Email at
: prpowell@cfl.rr.com


Metro Atlanta Carcinoid Awareness Group (MACAG)
This Group was established in Nov. 2004.  It is intended as a communications
enabler for those afflicted with Carcinoid cancer who reside in the Metro Atlanta
area of Georgia. Family members and oncologists are also welcome
This group's mission is to increase carcinoid awareness within the
Metro Atlanta
and the state of Georgia.
The group utilizes the Yahoo Groups membership capability for group communication.
Those interested in joining the Group may send an email request to MACAG-owner@yahoogroups.com.
Informal meetings are facilitated quarterly with dates, times, and locations
maintained on the group calendar. 
Please contact MACAG-owner@yahoogroups.com
Contacts: Mack Caudill   Email:  jmcstc@aol.com

Michael Roseberg   Email: mr30022@yahoo.com
Patty Howard    Email:  nphoward@tds.net


Chicagoland Carcinoid Fighters
We provide a forum for Support, Education and Awareness of Carcinoid Cancer. 
Meetings are held the third Saturday of each month at the Wellness House in Hinsdale,
IL, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For details about the monthly meeting Kim Darrow. contact:
Kim Darrow  Emil: Kim_darrow@hotmail.com
web site at: 


Indy Carcinoid Awareness Network (ICAN)
This is Indiana's only Carcinoid support group.  1st meeting was July 19, 2008!
Place: The Wellness Community of Central Indiana, 5150 West 71st Street,
Indianapolis, IN.  We are a support group for those living with Carcinoid cancer and neuroendocrine tumors in the Central Indiana region. 
Open to patients, caregivers, friends and family.
Meetings: 3rd Saturday of each month from 10 am to 12 noon.
Group Leader: Kari Jones - Carcinoid Cancer Survivor  Email: groupleader@indycarcinoid.org
Web site: http://www.indycarcinoid.org/

Contact: Mary Mitchell-Dick  Email: groupleader@indycarcinoid.org


Iowa Carcinoid Cancer Connection
Support group for Carcinoid cancer patients, their family, friends and caregivers. 
First formed in February 2012.  We are here to increase Carcinoid cancer awareness, provide education, and support for patients with Carcinoid cancer.
email Jennifer Holm: iowacarcinoid@yahoo.com
Web:  http://iowacarcinoid.wordpress.com.2012/02/22/your-iowa-carcinoid-cancer-connection/


Kansas (see MISSOURI)


Louisiana Carcinoid / NET Patient Support Group (LANETS)
First meeting, Sun. June 14, 2009 at 3 p.m., Ochsner Medical Center - Kenner;
Medical Office Bldg., 7th Floor Auditorium. 
Contact: Susan and David Connick   Email: louisiana.nets@gmail.com


New England Carcinoid Connection, Inc.  (NECC)
NECC is a non-profit organization with the sole purpose of providing awareness,
education and support to the New England Carcinoid/Neuroendocrine community. 
(The six New England states are: CT, ME, MA, NH, RI and VT). 
New England Carcinoid Connection, P.O. Box 366282, Boston, MA 02136-0024,
Contact: Anita O'Brien at nitaobrien@comcast.net
Contact: Nancy Hawkins at logcabin89@gmail.com
Visit the website: http://www.carcinoid-newengland.org/


Capital Area Carcinoid Survivors (CACS)
A patient-run support group formed in September 2001 for DC, VA, MD, and eastern
USA. Patients, their families and friends meet monthly on second Saturday 10 a.m.
to 12 noon at Life With Cancer Family Center, 8411 Pennell Street, Fairfax, Virginia
For info call 703-255-0519 
Contact:  Mitch Berger - mitchmberger@msn.com



New England Carcinoid Connection, Inc.  (NECC)
NECC is a non-profit organization with the sole purpose of providing awareness,
education and support to the New England Carcinoid/Neuroendocrine community. 
(The six New England states are: CT, ME, MA, NH, RI and VT). 
New England Carcinoid Connection, P.O. Box 366282, Boston, MA 02136-0024.
Meetings held usually on the third Wednesday of the month at Needham Public
Library, 1139 Highland Avenue, Needham, MA 02494.
Anita O'Brien  Email: nitaobrien@comcast.net
Nancy Hawkins  Email: logcabin89@gmail.co
Web:  http://www.carcinoid-newengland.org/

Carcinoid Cancer Support Group
The Lahey Clinic offers a number of support groups for patients with cancer and their families.  this group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  Pre-registration is requested.
Lahey Ckubucm 41 Mail Road 3 West Keriotis Conference Room, Burlington, MA 01805
Contact:  Pam Reznick  Email: pamela.reznick@lahey.org


Michigan Carcinoid Group (MCG)
The main theme of this support group is: "Sharing Information, Caring for Each Other".  MCG is a casual group; all persons interested in Carcinoid or NETs are welcome. 
Meetings are held every other month.
Faith United Church of God, I-96 and Walker Ave., Grand Rapids, MI.
Contact Dave Vickery  616-450-0842 or 616-447-8550
Contact Dave Vickery  Email: dave.vickery2008@gmail.com 


Northwood NETs Support Group
Support group was formed in September 1999 as an informational and educational
support group for people with Carcinoid and NET cancers.  Meeting at Fairview-Ridges
Hospital in Burnsville, MN, usually on the second Sunday of every other month (January, March, May, July, Sept., and Nov.) from 3 to 5 p.m.  Members are from all over Minnesota, North and South Dakota, western Wisconsin and Northern Iowa.
Web: http://www.northwoodsnets.org/

Contact: Jan Jackson    Email: jaxon1248@gmail.com


Heartland Carcinoids & NETs Support Group
For carcinoid and net survivors and care givers in the Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska,
Iowa, Oklahoma  and neighboring areas.  Meetings are held in the Kansas City area
and St. Louis area.
Email for group: Heartland_Carcinoids@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.heartlandcarcinoids.org/

Contact: Linda Hickam   Email: Mickam@sbcglobal.net


Southern Nevada Carcinoid/NETs Support Group
Meets third Tuesday of every month at 11:00 a.m. at The Caring Place,
4425 South Jones Blvd., Las Vegas, NV
Everyone welcome, contact Dal Anderson for more info
Contact Dale Anderson  Email:   dal_anderson@hotmail.com


New England Carcinoid Connection, Inc.  (NECC)
NECC is a non-profit organization with the sole purpose of providing awareness,
education and support to the New England Carcinoid/Neuroendocrine community.
(The six New England states are: CT, ME, MA, NH, RI and VT). 
New England Carcinoid Connection, P.O. Box 366282, Boston, MA 02136-0024,

Anita O'Brien at Email:  nitaobrien@comcast.net
Nancy Hawkins at Email: logcabin98@gmail.com
Visit the website: http://www.carcinoid-newengland.org/


Carcinoid's Blog



* * * * * * * * * *
NET NEWS, Vol 1, Issue 1, Winter-Spring 2006
Published by The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, Inc.
You can access this newsletter from:

The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF) has existed for close to forty years. In 1997 it produced its first website which made available to the general public and the medical community information about carcinoid and related neuroendocrine cancers. The incidence of these rare cancers is 3 new cases diagnosed per 100,000 people in the United States which equals approximately 8000 new cases per year. The philosophy of CCF has always been to disseminate accurate, up-to-date information about diagnosis, treatment, and surveillance options to maximize survival and quality of life for those individuals suffering with these diseases. We strive as the multitude of carcinoid/NET national and international experts have been doing (some for decades) to find a cure. In the meantime we must focus on educating the medical community to find the best diagnostic and treatment options available. CCF has and is working closely with both US and international medical experts and support groups. Many people may not be aware of all the various activities in which the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is involved. This first newsletter enumerates CCF's role in patient advocacy, research, and dissemination of medical information and gives a summary of accomplishments in the year 2005 and plans for the year 2006.  Without your collaboration our accomplishments could not have been possible.

New Jersey Carcinoid Cancer Network (NJ-CCN)
The NJ Carcinoid Cancer Network web site:
Meeting: Woodbridge Main Public Library, 1 George Frederick Plaza,
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
For more information contact:

Jim Weiveris  609-812-9294 or Caring4Noids@aol.com
or Judy Golz mjmkgo@aol.com

Metro NY Carcinoid Support Group (MNYCSG)
This support group in the Metropolitan NY area includes Manhattan , NJ, Long Island, Westchester
and part of Connecticut. If you are interested in participating and to learn more about these
support groups contact the coordinator for each chapter or for more information about the
Metro NY Carcinoid Support Group. The Metro NY Carcinoid Support Group
newsletters can also be accessed on the group's web site.
Contact the MNYCSG tri-state coordinator
Jim Weiveris Caring4Noids@aol.com 
Web site: http://www.carcinoid.us/

Long Island Chapter
Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network, Inc. (CCAN)

For more information about this support groups activities contact:
Maryann Wahman at Carcinoidaware@aol.com

New Jersey Carcinoid Cancer Network (NJ-CCN)
The NJ Carcinoid Cancer Network web site:
Meeting: Woodbridge Main Public Library, 1 George Frederick Plaza,
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
For more information contact:

Jim Weiveris  609-812-9294 or Caring4Noids@aol.com
or Judy Golz mjmkgo@aol.com


Noids in the Carolinas
Covering both North Carolina & South Carolina
Contact: Karen J. Connell, 910-545-7513

Hampton Road VA Carcinoid/NET Support Group
An informative educational group focused on carcinoid and other neuroendocrine
tumors and cancers, consists of individuals and organizations from the patient,
advocacy, and medical communities throughout Hampton Roads, which is also
known as Tidewater. Friends and family of patients with these tumors and cancers
seeking support are encouraged to join.
Please contact:  HRVaCarcinoidGrp@yahoo.com for more information


The Ohio Carcinoid Support Group meets monthly on the third Saturday of teach month
in Westerville, Ohio (a northern suburb of Columbus, Ohio).  In addition to providing
support for carcinoid patients and their carekeepers and giving everyone an opportunity
to speak about their concerns, each meeting has a speaker speaking on topics of
interest to carcinoid patients. 

Contact: Jayne Beck, Columbus, OH, 614-847-1311 mstoast@msn.com

For more information about this group contact:
Contact Corie Dean cadean@natpipe.com or
Kari Brendtro kbrendtro@yahoo.com
For more information about the PNW support group go to the
information for Washington state.



Pennsylvania Carcinoid Cancer Advocacy Network (PCCAN)
PCCAN provides support and education for carcinoid/ NET patients and their advocates.
Most (but not all) meetings are held Sundays, 2 -- 4 pm at the Hershey Medical Center. 
Be sure to confirm the time and location at http://www.pccan.net.  Also check our
website for information on carcinoid/NET related activities in or near Pennsylvania.
Contact: Teresa Lanza, ph: 717-576-5095 or
CarcinoidSupport@juno.com or see web site http://www.pccan.net 
On-line communication and support group: PCCAN-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

Read about Tereza Lanza's commitment to educate the carcinoid community
Her Blog address is http://www.blogger.com/profile/07975567130568769758

Lancaster and Pittsburgh area groups are also now in development. 
Check the PCCAN website for more information. http://www.pccan.net

Lancaster Carcinoid/NETS Support Group
For more information contact: Susan Nolt susan288@verizon.net

Delaware Valley Carcinoid Connection
A New Group Supporting Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine

Tumor Patients and Their Advocates
First meeting was held Jan. 20, 2008.
For meeting schedule and location visit their website http://www.phillycarcinoid.org/
Contact Suzi F. Garber (Founder, patient and advocate) at info@phillycarcinoid.org  



New England Carcinoid Connection, Inc.  (NECC)
NECC is a non-profit organization with the sole purpose
of providing awareness, education and support to the New England Carcinoid/Neuroendocrine community.  (The six New England states are: CT, ME, MA, NH, RI and VT).  New England Carcinoid Connection, P.O. Box 366282, Boston, MA 02136-0024, contacts:
Anita O'Brien at nitaobrien@comcast.net
Nancy Hawkins at ndhawk@suscom-maine.net
Jane Lombardi at janelombardi@aol.com
Visit the website: http://www.carcinoid-newengland.org/


Noids in the Carolinas
Covering both North Carolina & South Carolina
Contact: Karen J. Connell, NCZEBRAGIRL12@aol.com

Phone: 910-545-7513


Amarillo Area Carcinoid Support Group
New informal support group has formed.
First meeting was April 12, 2007
Contact:  Lynda Barksdale bronco75@earthlink.net

This support group meets on the fourth Saturday of even months, for those in the
Austin and Central Texas area. For more information contact:
Jude Filler at:  judefiller@hotmail.com or
Ann Meyer at:  ameyer@swrcc.com  phone: 512-421-4120
at Southwest Regional Cancer Center


A support group for people living with, affected by or interested in Carcinoid Cancer, it's treatment and effects. 
They offer support and education for Carcinoid survivors, family and friends.  Meet on the second Saturday
of every month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Baylor Hospital, Dallas. 
For information visit the web site http://www.carcinoid-tx.org/home.htm    or
contact Carol-Anne Wilson, Plano, TX 
or carolanne52@gmail.com

Group meets quarterly.  If in the area and interested please contact
Jan Peine, email:

San Antonio 
Meet on the fourth Saturday of the odd months (Jan., March, etc.) at the
Friends Meetinghouse at 7052 Van Diver in San Antonio.
Contact Catherine Jett  datchij@yahoo.com

West Texas
Midland, Odessa, Lubbock, Abilene, and San Angelo
Contact: Sarah Rees sarahjanerees@yahoo.com  


New England Carcinoid Connection, Inc.  (NECC)
NECC is a non-profit organization with the sole purpose
of providing awareness, education and support to the New England Carcinoid/Neuroendocrine
community.  (The six New England states are: CT, ME, MA, NH, RI and VT). 
New England Carcinoid Connection, P.O. Box 366282, Boston, MA 02136-0024, contacts:
Anita O'Brien at nitaobrien@comcast.net
Nancy Hawkins at ndhawk@suscom-maine.net
Jane Lombardi at janelombardi@aol.com
Visit the website: http://www.carcinoid-newengland.org/


Capital Area Carcinoid Survivors (CACS)
A patient-run support group formed in September 2001 for DC, VA, MD,
and eastern USA. Patients, their families and friends meet monthly
on Saturday 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Life With Cancer Family Center
in Fairfax, Virginia For info call 703-255-0519 
Contact: Mitch Berger - mitchmberger@msn.com

MidAtlantic Carcinoid-NeuroEndocrine Tumor Association (MACNETA) 
he MACNETA group is for patients with Carcinoid Cancer and/or other Neuroendocrine
Tumors, family members, friends, physicians, and other medical professionals.  The group
is run by volunteers and has ties with Dr. AI Vinik of the Eastern Virginia Medical School
Endocrine Center, NET Physician Teams, and Sentara Healthcare System and Physicians. 
meetings are held the 3rd Sunday of every other month at the main Public Health
Center located on Southampton Avenue in
.  It is adjacent to the combined buildings
of EVMS, Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, and the Kings Daughters Hospital.
For more information please contact: 

Susie Miller cw-susie1@cox.net;
Dina Bolshazy westie01@cox.net;
Susan Burke sburke76@yahoo.com;
General Contact    info@macneta.org

Hampton Road VA Carcinoid/NET Support Group
An informative educational group focused on carcinoid and other neuroendocrine tumors and cancers,
consists of individuals and organizations from the patient, advocacy, and medical communities throughout
Hampton Roads, which is also known as Tidewater. Friends and family of patients with these tumors and
cancers seeking support are encouraged to join. 
Please contact:  HRVaCarcinoidGrp@yahoo.com for more information


This support group includes members from Vancouver, British Columbia,
Idaho, Oregon, Washington state and neighboring states or Canadian
provinces without a support group. Meeting are usually held twice a year
on a Saturday
in Issaquah (east of Seattle). For additional information
please contact:
Corie Dean  cadean@natpipe.com


Capital Area Carcinoid Survivors (CACS)
A patient-run support group formed in September 2001 for DC, VA, MD,
and eastern USA. Patients, their families and friends meet monthly
on Saturday 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Life With Cancer Family Center
in Fairfax, Virginia For info call 703-255-0519 
Bea Lehming - blehming@gmail.com Mitch Berger - mitchmberger@msn.com


Mildred “Millie” Kowalski, of Novartis Oncology announced at the Carcinoid Conference, in New Orleans, 9/22/2012 that I, Susan Anderson, am the recipient of the 2012 Warner Advocacy Award. I was sorry that we were unable to attend.  I am honored and thrilled to receive this very meaningful award!  Dr. Richard R. W. Warner, at my request, accepted this award on my behalf.



Susan L. Anderson, or "Sunny" Susan as she's affectionately known, has dedicated her life to people affected by carcinoid/neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and has become an energetic advocate for, and educator of, the disease. Her journey began on May 10, 1995, when she was diagnosed with carcinoid cancer after an 8-year-long battle through one misdiagnosis after another.

Susan immediately began researching the disease and soon learned there wasn't much information available about NETs. Many doctors believed patients with NETs had a short time to live. Born with a self-proclaimed "type A" personality, Susan refused to accept the supposed facts. She says, "I was told by every doctor to 'learn to live with it.' Probably the average person would accept that. I refused to and because of that I'm still alive."

Through her research, Susan discovered Monica Warner's website for the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation. From that moment on, Susan Anderson, Monica Warner, and Dr. Richard Warner formed a team determined to bring attention to this uncommon disease and advocated tirelessly for patients everywhere.

Recognizing the need for greater patient support, Susan created the first website about NETs by a patient, which celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. The site, carcinoidinfo.info, continues its success in assisting people affected by the disease, and has more than 380,000 visitors. In addition to this "labor of love," Susan has dedicated her time to personally answering more than 100,000 e-mails, assisting patients and caregivers from around the world. Susan's in-depth relationships within the carcinoid/NET community even allow her to refer international patients to support groups in their respective countries.

Susan has attended numerous conferences throughout the world as a guest speaker, including the first International Meeting of Patient Self-Help Groups in Berlin, Germany. One of her fondest memories is from 2009, when Dr. Richard Warner invited Susan to take part in a 12-person panel of patients with carcinoid cancer at the Patient Support Advisory Board meeting in New York. When not attending conferences, Susan participates in many boards and support groups, some of which she has founded.

"Sunny" Susan has her nickname for a reason. Each step of her journey has been accompanied by unwavering optimism, determined energy, and an incredible zest for life. It makes sense that her daily goals are to "have some good 'belly laughs,' assist others, and live each day to its fullest enjoying each and every one."

Susan is honored to share recognition alongside the late Monica Warner, the pioneer of Patient Advocacy for NET patients who was also a dear friend. The recognition also extends to amazing patient advocates everywhere, including Maryann Wahmann and Jan Naritomi-Hart, the 2010 and 2011 Warner Advocacy Award recipients, respectively.

Please visit the Warner Advocacy Award Guest Book and leave a message congratulating our 2012 winner.


Novartis Patient Advocacy

Novartis Oncology Affairs and Patient Advocacy provide support to patients through an array of programs and services


The NET Alliance

The NET Alliance is a Novartis Oncology initiative to help improve outcomes for patients with NETs

Photo: Congratulations to Susan Anderson on receiving the 2012 Warner Advocacy Award!! 

The award was announced at the National Carcinoid/NET Patient Conference in New Orleans this past Saturday by Mildred Kowalski, Director, Patient Advocacy, Oncology, at Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation.  To commemorate the life and work of Monica Warner, who passed away in August 2009, Novartis Oncology, through Patient Advocacy and The NET Alliance, established the Warner Advocacy Award. This award is presented annually by Novartis Oncology to honor the patient, advocate, or caregiver who most embodies the passion, dedication, leadership, and spirit with which Monica Warner assisted patients, caregivers, and families affected by NETs.  To read more about the award, click here: http://www.warneradvocacyaward.com/index.jsp

Created in 1997, Susan’s website is the first and oldest online personal website in the carcinoid/NET community. Susan is a carcinoid patient and awareness advocate. Her website has a wealth of information and should be one of the first personal websites you should visit. She is a longtime carcinoid and breast cancer survivor with an aggressive approach to maintaining an active and lifestyle.  Visit her site here:  http://www.carcinoidinfo.info/



Become a Friend of the Unicorn Foundation ( http://

Launched February 2010 - Our New Website -http//

See our new patient support groups in both NSW & ACT

Sydney Neuroendocrine Tumour (NET) Educational/Support Group Meeting


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


5:00pm - 7:00pm


North Shore Private Hospital (Ground Floor Conference Room)


Westbourne Street, St Leonards (Sydney)

Neuroendocrine tumour (NET) and carcinoid patients, carers and interested clinicians are
invited to come and learn about the latest happenings in the management of NETs
and to share their experiences at our new Sydney education/support group. All welcome!

Topic - Recent Research in NETs
Speaker - Dr Anthony Chambers, Endocrine Surgeon

Dr Chambers has recently returned from Canada after completing a surgical fellowship in
Calgary with some of the top doctors in NET management. He is now working back in Sydney
at St Vincent's Hospital, Darlinghurst and will be presenting to us on recent and new research in NETs.

  • Update on Eric. The latest and the greatest
    Eric has been diagnosed and treated for a rare form of cancer- Carcinoid Cancer. The saga on this site chronicles his journey from the day when his enlarged liver was identified at ultrasound when investigating for a possible gall stone. It turned out to be one heck of a gall stone!

Check the web site of Eric for information:

Carcinoid Tumour Forum Australia http://carcinoid.tblog.com


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


5:00pm - 7:00pm


North Shore Private Hospital (Ground Floor Conference Room)


Westbourne Street, St Leonards (Sydney)

Sydney Neuroendocrine Tumour (NET) Educational/Support Group Meeting

Neuroendocrine tumour (NET) and carcinoid patients, carers and interested clinicians are
invited to come and learn about the latest happenings in the management of NETs
and to share their experiences at our new Sydney education/support group. All welcome!

Topic - Recent Research in NETs
Speaker - Dr Anthony Chambers, Endocrine Surgeon

Dr Chambers has recently returned from Canada after completing a surgical fellowship in
Calgary with some of the top doctors in NET management. He is now working back in Sydney
at St Vincent's Hospital, Darlinghurst and will be presenting to us on recent and new research in NETs.



Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NeT) e. V. is a big patient group for patients with NET,
for their relations and for practitioners. It is growing every day. In this moment we have
600 members. We are very acitve in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
The address of our website is

Best regards: Katharina Mellar
1. Vorsitzende

Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NeT) e. V.

Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NeT) e. V.
Wörnitzstr. 115a
90449 Nürnberg
Tel. 0911 / 25 28 999
Fax 0911 / 2 55 22 54
Email: info@netzwerk-net.de      web site: 


The Carcinoid -Neuroendocrine Tumour Society Canada (CNETS CANADA)
This was first organized in October 2002 as The Canadian Carcinoid Cancer and NET Support Team  (CCCNST)   

To all Carcinoid fighters, their support persons who live in Canada, and in areas near the border, including Upper New York State, as well as any passing through; this support group gives an opportunity for fellowship, round table discussions, and information sessions regarding Carcinoid.
For information about our next support group meeting please email:

Maureen Coleman at maureenc@sympatico.ca
To join Canadian discussion group
A Listser/Website dedicated for Canadians and their Neuroendocrine System illnesses
For information please contact:

Maureen Coleman, Toronto, Ontario, 416-544-8467 or email at: maureen@sympatico.ca

web site:  www.cnetscanada.org
     We are the Carcinoid-Neuroendocrine Tumour Society-Canada Everyone in Canada,
and nearby border US states, who is a Carcinoid-Neuroendocrine Patient and /or significant
other, and/or special friend or family member is welcome to become part of their local
Carcinoid-Nets Support Group. We aim to listen, educate, advocate, support, and also enjoy
one another’s company.

     There is an on-line group for Canadians and some interested Americans.

May 13-16, 2010, Vancouver International CNETS Canada Conference for patients and med professionals. NEW

The Vancouver Conference tentative program is now on the CNETS Canada website


This program will be instrumental in moving the needs of the International Carcinoid NET patient community forward.
And we would love to see you in Vancouver. It is a really great place as the Winter Olympics will demonstrate.

We feel that our program is 90% complete. We will add more information as we get it.

So please register for the Vancouver International Conference online at www.cnetscanada.org.
We can also help you register offline if you like.
Please just email info@cnetscanada.org with questions or if you need help.
Dates are May 13-16, 2010.

Please go to www.cnetscanada.org  and register for the conference.
We only have room for a total of 370 people including faculty so you
may want to register before all the spaces are gone.
A number of people actually booked before this programme came out
and we thank you for your trust in our ability to generate an effective conference. 

Maureen Coleman, President, CNETS Canada        


New Brunswick Carcinoid-Nets Support Group
Please contact

Newfoundland Carcinoid-Nets Support Group
Please contact

Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Carcinoid-Nets Support Group
Please contact Colette Morrison physio@ns.sympatico.ca (902) 295-2955


Montreal Area Carcinoid-Nets Support Group.
Please contact Nycky Thevenet nyckyschon@yahoo.com (514) 425-1734


Toronto Area Carcinoid-Nets Support Group
Please contact Maureen Coleman
maureenc@sympatico.ca, (416)-544-8467
Please contact Noreen Lebowitz lebo74@rogers.com (905)-731-8598

London-Kitchener-Western Ontario Carcinoid-Nets Support Group.
Please contact

Ottawa-Eastern Ontario Carcinoid-Nets Support Group
Please contact Morley Dore barbandmorley@rogers.com (613) 725-3229


Winnipeg Area Carcinoid-Nets Support Group
Please contact Silvia Steinhilber nswplas@mts.net (204)-757-4878


Regina-Moose Jaw-Saskatoon Area Carcinoid-Nets Support Group
Please Contact Marlis Duff duff.marlis@prairiesouth.ca  (306)-475-2838
Please contact Lynne Warden lynnemwarden@msn.com (306)-664-3419


Calgary Area Carcinoid-Nets Support group
Please contact Joan Smart smartj@telus.net (403)-233-2031


Kamloops Area Carcinoid-Nets Support Group
Please contact Dennis Robertson crackersdog@hotmail.com

Phone TTY is 250-274-7477

Vancouver Area Carcinoid-Nets Support Group
Please contact


Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NeT) e. V. is a big patient group for patients with NET,
for their relations and for practitioners. It is growing every day. In this moment we have
600 members. We are very acitve in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
The address of our website is

Best regards: Katharina Mellar
1. Vorsitzende

Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NeT) e. V.

Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NeT) e. V.
Wörnitzstr. 115a
90449 Nürnberg
Tel. 0911 / 25 28 999
Fax 0911 / 2 55 22 54
Email: info@netzwerk-net.de      web site: 

Netherlands     Netherlands     Netherlands     Netherlands

Dutch Carcinoid Support Group
This group is a section of the "Stichting Doorgang" for cancers of the gastrointestinal track.
For additional information please contact:Teun Elemans tn@EURONET.NL or visit the web site http://www.kankerpatient.nl/doorgang/ ( Note: this web site is in Dutch)


CarciNor (the Carcinoid patients association in Norway) aims to act as a support for patients
suffering from hormone producing tumors in the stomach, such as carcinoids, endocrine pancreatic
tumors, adrenocortical cancer, etc.  The association also works to spread information about these
diseases treatments, research methods and other matters of interest.  CarciNor is affiliated to
The Norwegian Cancer Society

(Note: Information is presently only available in Norwegian)
Email contact
for information: carcinor@kreftforeningen.no


Carcinoid Patients Organization in Poland 

  Mamy przyjemność poinformować, że 19 września 2005 roku zostało zarejestrowane
 "Stowarzyszenie Pacjentów i Osób Wspierających Chorych na Guzy Neuroendokrynne".

   Wśród jego członków znalazły się osoby chore na te rzadkie guzy, a także członkowie
 ich rodzin oraz bliscy.Pojęcie <Guzy neuroendokrynne GEP-NET> obejmuje
kilkanaście typów guzów nowotworowych od łagodnych po formy wysoce złośliwe.
Najbardziej znaną jednostką chorobową jest "rakowiak". Guzy tego typu to wciąż
jeszcze mało znany problem medyczny w Polsce.

   18 listopada 2005 roku o godzinie 9.30 w Hotelu Hyatt w Warszawie odbyła się
sesja edukacyjna dla członków Stowarzyszenia. Byli na niej obecni pacjenci i ich r
odziny z różnych stron Polski. Podczas spotkania dyskutowaliśmy o działaniach, które
chcielibyśmy zrealizować oraz o najbardziej palących problemach, jakim muszą
stawiać czoło chorzy na guzy neuroendokrynne.


in Sweden.
This site contains many important carcinoid disease related articles
by Professor Kjell Öberg and research team, in both Swedish and English.  

Carpa vidarebefodrar frågor till Sektionen för Endokrinologisk Onkologi i Uppsala.  Carpa forwards questions of medical character to the Section of Endocrine Oncology in Uppsala



NEW - Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NeT) e. V. is a big - patient group for patients with NET, for their relations and for practitioners. It is growing every day. In this moment we have
600 members. We are very acitve in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
The address of our website is

Best regards: Katharina Mellar
1. Vorsitzende

Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NeT) e. V.

Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NeT) e. V.
Wörnitzstr. 115a
90449 Nürnberg
Tel. 0911 / 25 28 999
Fax 0911 / 2 55 22 54
Email: info@netzwerk-net.de      web site: 


United Kingdom

NEW in the United Kingdom (May 9, 2006)
NET Patient Foundation incorporating Living With Carcinoid

AMEND (Association for Multiple Endocrine Disorders)
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN1 and MEN2) support group whose mission is to help and support people with this rare condition. Visit their web sites, click on the blue underlined names above. For more information contact:
Liz Dent at
Liz.Dent@amend.org.uk or
Clare Goldsmith at claregoldsmith@hotmail.com


Local support groups with a web site and/or communication via email

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA NEUROENDOCRINE CANCER FIGHTERS (NCNCF)The group also has an e-list. To join it go to: 
            NCNCF-subscribe@yahoogroups.com &

  NorCal CarciNet – (NCCN)
An affiliate of Calif. Carcinoid Fighters - (CALCF)
  Web: www.carcinoid-net.org

website: http://www.ctcarcinoid.homestead.com 

New England Carcinoid Connection, Inc.  (NECC)
 Visit the website: http://www.carcinoid-newengland.org/

Capital Area Carcinoid Survivors (CACS)

 Florida Carcinoid Support Group
  Web site:

Metro Atlanta Carcinoid Awareness Group (MACAG)

Chicagoland Carcinoid Fighters
 web site at: 


 Michigan Carcinoid Support Group

Metro NY Carcinoid Support Group (MNYCSG)
Web site: http://www.carcinoid.us/ 

Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network, Inc. (CCAN)

MidAtlantic Carcinoid-NeuroEndocrine Tumor Association (MACNETA) 

Pennsylvania Carcinoid Cancer Advocacy Network (PCCAN)

Delaware Valley Carcinoid Connection


MidAtlantic Carcinoid-NeuroEndocrine Tumor Association (MACNETA) 

There is an on-line group for Canadians and some interested Americans.

 CarciNor (the Carcinoid patients association in Norway)

Carcinoid Patients Organization in Poland


NET Patient Foundation incorporating Living With Carcinoid (in the UK)

Carcinoid-Neuroendocrine Tumour Society-Canada (CNETS)

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

California Carcinoid Fighters -- Board of Directors

Click on image to see a larger picture of the CalCF Board of Directors.

November 2001
Stephen Pazan, President
Nik Neville, Publicity
Morris Bialick, Treasurer
Susan Anderson, Board Member
Terry Wright, Secretary


May 4, 2002
Stephen Pazan, President
     Morris Bialick, Treasurer
Nik Neville, Publicity 
     Terry Wright, Secretary
     Dr. Eugene Woltering, (Medical Advisor)  

     Susan Anderson, (Arizona representative)


Oct. 2003
Susan Anderson, Board Member
Pat Gerenday, Secretary
Stephen Pazan, President
Morris Bialick, Treasurer


Oct. 2003
Dr. Eugene Woltering
Medical Advisor



The Mission Statement for the newly formed group (Sept. 2004):
To create an alliance, to offer resources, and to facilitate the efforts of
Carcinoid and other Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) support groups, patients,
and caregivers in North Americ

From Left to Right:  NAAPNET Steering Committee 2004 - 2005
Susan Anderson ..... Arizona ..... Vice Chair (Resigned June 15, 2005)
Carol-Anne Wilson ..... Texas ..... Chair
Jim Weiveris ..... New Jersey ..... Secretary
Linda Silversmith ..... Maryland ..... Treasurer
Cynthia Marrs ..... Oregon ..... Member (on leave of absence)




For Carcinoid patients, family, friends and medical professionals


Saturday October 25, 2003

Doubletree Hotel Santa Ana/Orange County Airport
201 East MacArthur Boulevard, Santa Ana, CA 92707

Meet six of the world's leading clinicians and researchers on carcinoid and neuro-endocrine tumors

Speakers starting at 8 AM:

Larry Kvols M.D.
Kjell Öberg M.D.
Thomas O'Dorisio M.D.
Rodney Pommier M.D.
Richard Warner M.D.
Eugene Woltering M.D.

Registration and Breakfast at 7 AM
-- Lunch Included
 Friday October 24 from 6:00 - 10:00 PM: pre-registration check-in and informal networking

Registration is payable by check or money order and will be accepted in the order received.

For hotel reservations:
call the Doubletree Registration #1-800-222-8733 or 1-714-825-8733
or register online:  click here Doubletree Online Registration (group/convention code is CAR)

Mention the "Carcinoid Seminar" for the special room rate and to request "special needs".

Coordinated by California Carcinoid Fighters (CalCF)
Underwritten through a generous grant from Novartis Oncology

For more information visit the CalCF website http://www.sccfighters.org  
or contactt Tom May of The Wellness Community-South Bay Cities  
1-310-376-3550 extension 22




Saturday October 25, 2003
MAIL the completed registration form below with your check or money order, $25 per person,
made payable to “California Carcinoid Fighters Seminar 2003” to:
California Carcinoid Fighters, PMB # 231, 17939 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344-5606 


Name ________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________

City ____________________________ State _____ Zip _______________

Phone number _________________________________________________

Spouse/Caregiver’s Name ________________________________________

Number attending conference: ________________

E-mail Address: ________________________

Do you wish to include your Email address on registration roster?  Yes____   No____

Will you attend an Informal WELCOME RECEPTION, Friday night (Oct. 24, 2003)
       at the hotel?  Yes__ No __

Confirmation of receipt for registration will be made via mail or e-mail.
Those wishing overnight accommodations must call the Doubletree Hotel 
       1-714-825-3333  or 1-800-222-8733
Mention the "Carcinoid Seminar" for special room rate and request "special needs"
For on-line registration for the Doubletree Hotel  CLICK HERE

 For additional information contact Tom May of The Wellness Community-South Bay Cities
1-310-376-3550 extension 22

Doubletree Hotel Map and Information CLICK HERE

Please read last section on this page - below.  Thank you, Susan, 1-26-2009

Since 1996 --- when I first located others with Carcinoid --- I have answered every email sent to me, although some replies were delayed longer than I liked. I am NO longer able to reply to all e-mails due to the volume and other things going on in my life (all good).  I do love hearing from others, but an unable to reply to all individually.  I shall not forget my many Carcinoid friends and of course shall reply to you … as time permits. 
This web site was 20 years old on April 27, 2017.

Since my husband "retired" I am away from my computer for days, and sometimes, weeks at a time.  Yes, there is wireless internet and we have tried that a number of places.  But, if I deal with email when we are away from home then it is not a "restful vacation" for me.

PLEASE use the SEARCH capability at the top my pages.  You may search for a word, a phrase, a drug, a treatment, a book title or anything you can think of. You may search this site only, or search the complete World Wide Web.

To speak with a person please know you may call the “telephone information and support line” of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, Inc. (CCF), Tuesday through Thursday  10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time at  1-888-722-3132 (free) or 1-914-693-1001.   “The information and support line” is staffed by medical professionals.   Mondays and Fridays are research days, if you call then and do not reach a person do leave a clear message.  The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s (CCF) superb web site is at http://www.carcinoid.org

CCF -  Serving the carcinoid/NETs  patient and medical community for 
more than forty years (chartered in 1968)
   “Meets Extensive Standards of America’s Most Experienced Charity Evaluator”
Better Business Bureau

* * * * * * * * * * * *
DISCLAIMER:  I am a patient and NOT a medical doctor or health care professional.  I share information and links to information that has been helpful to me and that I believe to be correct and good, but I cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information, except for MY stories.  I urge you not to rely only on this information but I believe you should discuss your situation and information with your medical doctors and/or other medical professionals.  "Sunny" Susan Anderson

* * * * * * * * * *

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Last modified: 07/19/15