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Carcinoid A rare form of "slow-growing" neuroendocrine cancer

Susan Anderson - An advocate for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Awareness

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Updated: 27 April 2017


27 April 2017 this web site was 20 years old, the 1st by a Carcinoid patient!


There is HOPE for those diagnosed with Carcinoid/NETS. 

I've started my 23rd year of active, full life: May 10, 1995 -- May 10, 2017.

April 27, 2017 was the 20th anniversary of this page;
 the FIRST by a Carcinoid patient.


April 23, 2014 I began Dialysis every evening at home
due to being Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease.

My memoir book Becoming Sunny Susan is now available
softcover and ebook!  By Susan L. Anderson           

NEW -  
Click on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBZnPOGHf-8

to view the 90 second book trailer video from YouTube!

My story is one many of you can identify with – an uplifting look at a life that I am determined to live well, despite all the obstacles I have been dealt. At the heart of the story is the idea of LIVING with cancer. It took eight years to correctly diagnose my rare disease, Carcinoid/ Neuroendocrine Tumors. Then, they said I would die in just a few more years. That was 18 years ago, and here I am! How have I faired? Very well. Read the book to find out how I have lived a happy life, even with cancer.

Would you help to spread the positive word by telling your friends, by gifting the book, and by posting a review for other readers on the www.amazon.com  page? We know how valuable a positive recommendation can be.                                                           


Susan's Family Tree (Ahnentafel  Chart)

        Howard's Family Tree (Ahnentafel Chart)

Holiday / Christmas Letters (NEW - 2015 -- 1988)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1 December 2015

                                                                              1825 West Emelita Ave., #435

                                                                                        Mesa,  Arizona 85202



Hello Family and Friends,

As always we look forward to your letters and pictures!  This year has seemed quiet except we seem to be double and triple booked on most days.

We have enjoyed: visits to Butterfly Wonderland, a chocolate candy factory, Zelma Basha Salmeri Gallery of Western American & American Indian Art, plus regular luncheons with friends and some out to dinners with other from Bella Vista.  We’ve lived here, Bella Vista Active Senior Living, for one year and seven months, and are well integrated.

In addition to activities here at Bella Vista Howard keeps busy writing and selling software from his redesigned web site at www.AZcendant.com; being banjo teacher for Jam Pak Blues ‘N’ Grass Neighborhood Band; attending local Bluegrass jams – after 35 years it seems different to not be hosting jam in our home; he is a member of MENSA, two Bluegrass organizations and two astronomy clubs.  See deep-space and AZ photos by Howard at www.astroshow.com.  He attended the annual general meeting of the International Dark Sky Association.

Susan keeps busy with the books she authored.  Her web site will be 19 years old in April www.carcinoidinfo.info, May 10, 2015 was the 20th anniversary of Susan’s Carcinoid Cancer diagnosis!  She remains in the Contemporary Book Discussion Club that she founded in 1983.  She has joined the Bella Vista Book Club and attends “Trivia” sessions which are fun (no teams).  She is still a news junkie and likes learning new things daily and reads a multitude of books.  We attended a one day Carcinoid Cancer Conference in April.

Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy 2016!

Howard and Susan Anderson

Susan Anderson, Shelly Anderson-Romine, Cynthia Callahan           Bella Vista Arts and Craft Show

Alan Francisco Dominguez Moreno, Howard Anderson, Anni Beach,
Thalia Arviso


Merry Christmas – Happy Holidays – Happy New Year 2015
                                                                            1825 West Emelita Ave., Apt.435,
                                                                                                           Mesa, AZ 85202

Dear Friends and Family,

We hope you have had a good year, and we are looking forward to hearing from you.  2014 has
been a changing year for us. 

The end of April Susan started PD (Peritoneal Dialysis) each night at home.   This has altered our lives
somewhat; if nothing else added two or more kidney doctor/nurse appointments each month.

We sold our beloved home of 31 years in Tempe and moved to an active senior community: Bella Vista. 
1825 West Emelita Ave., Apt. 435, Mesa, AZ 85202.  The downsizing was very painful!  We had daughter
and son in law Shelly and Brian Romine to assist us along with Anni Beach and Jam Pak Blues ‘N’ Grass
Band; we are grateful for all of their assistance!

Howard keeps busy writing and selling software from totally redesigned web sites at: www.AZcendant.
being a banjo teacher for Jam Pak Blues ‘N’ Grass Neighborhood Band; attending local Bluegrass
jams – after 35 years it  seems different to no longer be hosting jams in our home; is a member of MENSA,
two Bluegrass organizations, and two astronomy clubs.  See deep-space and AZ photos by
Howard at
www.astroshow.com; 2013 was an exciting year!  Susan’s memoir Becoming Sunny Susan
was published in May, it is available in both softcover and ebook editions via Amazon.Com.  We invite
you to view the 90 second book trailer at

Her second book Pioneers Past and Present: A Family History was published in Dec. 2013,  and is
available in color softcover and ebook editions also via Amazon.com.  These books were a two year
project for one book that turned into three years and two books. She has received many positive
comments on how  inspiring and interesting the memoir is with cultural history woven in as side
bars to her story.  Both books are full of  photographs with over 200 in the family history book.

Susan keeps busy with the books she authored.  Her web site will be 18 years old
in April
www.carcinoidinfo.info.  May 10, 2015 is the 20th anniversary of her Carcinoid Cancer
diagnosis!  She remains in the Contemporary Book Discussion club she founded in 1983. Yes it is
almost 32 years old.  She has joined the Bella Vista Book Club and attends their “trivia” sessions
which are fun (no teams.)  She is still a news junkie and likes learning new things daily.

We spent a week in Wickenburg, AZ, for the 35th annual Four Corners Bluegrass Festival.  It was good
to meet up with ole friends again!. We’ve attended every year starting in 1983,

Shelly and Brian fixed an early Thanksgiving dinner when son Scott, daughter in law Sarah and
grandsons Luke 12 and Wade 10 were here in November from their home in Jacksonville, FL!
The visit was much too short!

We are looking forward to granddaughter, Caitlin Anderson, who will visit us between Christmas
and  New Year’s from St. Augustine, FL.  Susan missed attending her college graduation, from
Florida State University, last May due to starting kidney dialysis.

With Best Wishes for a Healthy and Happy 2015 that is medically boring.

Howard and Susan Anderson

Familly #2a.jpg

"Sunny Susan" Anderson.... in beautiful Tempe, AZ, USA, where the sun shines more than 300 days each year, the sky is bright blue, flowers are always blooming and birds singing!  It is a GREAT day to be alive, count our blessings and enjoy life! Visit my homepage at: http://www.carcinoidinfo.info/ Visit my husband's homepage for deep-space astrophotography with how-to's and much more at:  http://www.astroshow.com/

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 + + + + + + + + + +

 December 2001

 Holiday greetings from Tempe, Arizona, USA

Howard is in charge of CAD/software development for a new international high-tech start-up company. They have offices in the beautiful AZ State University Research Park in Tempe, with trees, flowers, lakes, ducks, and walking paths.  As always he enjoys his work very much and the great group of people assembled for this endeavor.

In September we enjoyed a two week vacation in Wyoming.  We spent two days in Yellowstone National Park (Susan worked there one summer while a college student), while the rest of our time was spent in the Grand Teton National Park.  We took a full-day wildlife safari trip, and two float trips on the Snake River.  We were amazed at the variety and number of wildlife -- much more than we expected:  moose, elk, bison, deer, beaver, coyotes, eagles, osprey and many other birds.  Except for the tragedy of 9/11 we enjoyed our vacation very much as it is Susan's favorite place in the lower 48 states.

Susan had the honor of a major international drug company inviting her and nine other persons with Carcinoid cancer to the first "Patient Support Advisory Board" meeting at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City the end of Nov.  She gave a presentation of the history of her web page that provides electronic world-wide support, how she helps many people via telephone and e-mail, and told of her plans for the coming year.  The web page has turned in to a full time job, but it is rewarding to be able to provide solid medical information and other assistance to those in need.  She likes to think of her web page as: Lead a full and active life while LIVING with Cancer - information and links for medical and drug databases, support groups, humor, books, music, prayer lists, travel, political issues, AZ information, cowboy poetry, and much more!  Survivor of Carcinoid and Breast cancers.   After the meeting in New York City, Susan spent eight days with her ole college pal, Lianne in Mass.

Susan is involved with a new non-profit organization, Southern California Carcinoid Fighters, and is serving on the first board of directors.  Fortunately San Diego and Los Angels are only a one hour flight from Phoenix, but she cannot attend everything as she would like.

We continue to host our Wednesday evening traditional acoustic Bluegrass music jam sessions, as we did in VA (1977 - 1983), and started doing here in AZ in Aug. 1983, for a total of 24 1/2 years -- yes, each week!  They are different each week and some wonderful friends attend!

Since age 14 Howard has maintained his amateur radio license, his call is K7AZA.  Howard is a member of MENSA and the East Valley Astronomy Club (EVAC).  We were fortunate to be in the desert south of Phoenix with other EVAC members for the Leonid Meteor Storm, viewing 1,400 meteors during the height of the storm.  We are both members of the Arizona Bluegrass Assoc. (ABA), the Arizona Bluegrass & Old Time Musicians Assoc. (ABMA), and the Desert Bluegrass Assoc. (DBA).  Howard gets a great deal of enjoyment doing deep-space photography with his telescope.  He continually updates his web page with new astrophotos, check it out.

Susan remains active in two book discussion groups: the Contemporary Book Discussion Club she founded in Oct. 1983, and the Night Book Discussion Club she co-founded in May 1989. 

Scott, wife, Sarah and daughter Caitlin live in Florida and also maintain an office an apartment in Puerto Rico.  They are expecting a baby boy in early April.  Shelly lives here in Arizona.  Cynthia, husband Gerry, and children, Sarah, John, Jason and Alina live in Arkansas.

As 2001 comes to a close we have many blessing to count and give thanks for, including you, our friends and family.




 Howard and Susan Anderson (also known as "Sunny Susan in AZ")

 Howard's e-mail:  handy13@mindspring.com      Howard's web page:  http://www.astroshow.com

Susan's e-mail: s.l.anderson@worldnet.att.net   Susan's web page: http://home.att.net/~S.L.Anderson/

+ + + + + + + + + +

8 December 2000

Holiday greetings from Tempe, Arizona, USA.

After almost seventeen years as a software engineer for Motorola, Howard resigned the end of February.  There was a luncheon for him, and that same evening we boarded an airplane for a week in England.  While in England he signed on with a brand new high-tech start-up company.  He is in charge of CAD/software development. The company has offices in three countries, so far. Howard usually is working seven days a week and very long hours, but enjoying it very much!

We enjoyed a 15 day Alaskan cruise in June!  We saw many glaciers, wildlife preserves, sea otters, seals, whales, eagles, puffins, many other birds, totem poles and sights via the cruise ship, jet boat, rubber raft, helicopters, sea planes, various small boats and small mini-vans.  This was an "educational" cruise with many lectures and much information presented on the ship.  We were not disappointed in any way and highly recommend this more casual way to really see coastal Alaska (http://www.wecruise.com).

We continue to host our Wednesday evening traditional acoustic Bluegrass music jam sessions, as we did in VA (1977 - 1983), and started doing here in AZ in Aug. 1983, for a total of 23 1/2 years -- yes each week!  They are different each week and some wonderful friends attend.  New pickers & grinners are always welcome.

Since age 14 Howard has maintained his amateur radio license, his call is K7AZA.  Howard is a member of MENSA and the East Valley Astronomy Club.  We are both members of the Arizona Bluegrass Assoc.(ABA), the Arizona Bluegrass & Old-Time Musicians Assoc. (ABMA), and the Desert Bluegrass Assoc. (DBA).  Howard gets a great deal of enjoyment doing deep-space photography with his Meade LX200 10" telescope.    He continually updates his web page with  new  astrophotos, check it out at:  http://www.frontiernet.net/~handy13/

In May Susan attended the second Carcinoid seminar for doctors and patients in Sarasota, FL.  She enjoyed meeting more on-line friends, putting faces to the names, and found the seminar well worth her time and effort.  In Sept. she spent a week with ole college pal Lianne in Mass.  Susan has an almost full-time "job" answering e-mail from her home page as people around the world contact her regarding Carcinoid.  She remains active in two book discussion groups: the Contemporary Book Discussion Club she founded in Oct. 1983, and the Night Book Discussion Club she co-founded in May 1989,  There are never enough hours in the day for her! Check out her homepage at:  http://home.att.net/~S.L.Anderson/

Scott, wife Sarah, and daughter Caitlin live in Florida and also maintain an office and apartment in Puerto Rico.  Shelly lives nearby, here in Arizona.  Cynthia, her husband Gerry, and children, Sarah, John, Jason and Alina live in Arkansas. 

As 2000 comes to a close we have many blessings to count and give thanks for, including you, our friends and family.




Howard and Susan Anderson (also known as "Sunny Susan in AZ")

       Howard's home page:  http://www.frontiernet.net/~handy13/

       Howard (home) e-mail:  handy13@frontiernet.net

       Susan's home page:  http://home.att.net/~S.L.Anderson/

       Susan's e-mail:  S.L.Anderson@worldnet.att.net

+ + + + + + + + + +

December 1999

Holiday greetings from Tempe, Arizona, USA.

We enjoy all of the letters, pictures and cards as they arrive, and always look forward to hearing from all of you - our friends and family - each holiday season!

In early March Susan attended the first Carcinoid seminar for doctors and patients in Sarasota, FL.  She enjoyed meeting many on-line friends, putting faces to the names, and found the seminar well worth her time and effort.

In mid-March Susan and good friend Winnie drove the motorhome to Osceola, MO, to see Susan's Father, and were met there by son, Scott and Sarah, who came from FL. After leaving Osceola, Winnie and Susan spent several days in Branson, MO, attending shows including: The Oak Ridge Boys, Frederick and Waltzing Waters, Presley's Country Jubilee and Fountains of Fire.  During all of the drive they experienced high gusty winds plus snow in NM and AZ.  On the return trip they blew a front tire, so had quite a fourteen day adventure.

Mid-May found Shelly, Bob, Susan and Howard in central FL for the beautiful  wedding of Scott to Sarah Hensch on May 15th in Alamonte Springs, FL.  We hosted a fabulous rehearsal dinner at Bistro Cappuccino, Lake Mary, FL. Susan and Howard managed to visit  Disney's new Animal Kingdom before flying home.  Shelly and Bob took more time and had a real FL vacation. When we returned home Susan added Interferon Alpha 2-b to her Carcinoid treatment to enhance the Sandostatin she has been on since early 1998.

June 18th, Susan had a surgical breast biopsy which showed she had Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) breast cancer.  She underwent four position radiation during July, Aug. and Sept.  Good friend Leslie set up a schedule for friends to take Susan to and from the daily radiation and to other doctor appointments.  Thirteen friends were drivers and three more did additional things to assist. All of these friends are a true blessing to us and greatly appreciated!

After diagnosis, but before the start of radiation, Susan and Howard spent four fun filled days in Las Vegas, visiting the newest hotels, and attending shows.  

The Arizona Republic newspaper (Tempe, Mesa & Chandler editions) published a picture of Susan and article about her web site and Carcinoid on Oct. 7th, the next week they also published in the Scottsdale and several Phoenix editions.  In Nov. she was one of four people interviewed (and has seen the pre‑publication article) for an article on "rare cancers" to be in the mid‑Dec. issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Oct. 13th Susan underwent surgery in Phoenix, attended by five surgeons.  We were afraid they would find ovarian cancer, BUT things turned out well and she only has the two kinds of cancer.  The surgeons did a resection of the right lobe of her liver and removed tubes, ovaries, nodules from pertineal layer and colon -- they took all of the Carcinoid they  could see  or feel, and the  pathology  reports  confirmed  only  Carcinoid.   She immediately regained her optimistic, positive, can-do out look on life.  For the next five weeks, wonderful neighbor, Joan picked  up our three newspapers,  and brought the daily mail into the house for Susan -- which was a tremendous help and greatly appreciated!  Other friends took Susan to appointments while she was forbidden to drive.  We are so fortunate to have such caring, loving, supportive friends!

Over Thanksgiving we had a very restful and relaxing nine day trip to Santa Catalina Island, CA.  We enjoyed walks along the water, several boat trips to observe colorful fish, a jeep trip to the island's interior, scenic drive tour, and an organ concert.  The trip was just what we needed!

We continue to host our Wednesday evening acoustic Bluegrass music jam sessions, as we did in VA (1977 - 1983), and started doing here in AZ in Aug. 1983, for a total of 22 1/2 years -- yes each week! If nothing else we are consistent!

Howard, a Senior Member of the Technical Staff, is a software engineer for Motorola. He has done a minimal amount of travel this year, but had an interesting trip to Chile where he spoke at a computer conference. Since age 14 he has maintained his amateur radio license, his call is K7AZA.  Howard is a member of MENSA and the East Valley Astronomy Club.  We are both members of the Arizona Bluegrass Assoc. (ABA) and the Arizona Bluegrass & Old-Time Musicians Assoc. (ABMA).  Howard gets a great deal of enjoyment doing deep-space photography with his Meade LX200 10" telescope.  Howard enjoys discussing astronomy via the Internet.  He continually updates his web page with  new  astrophotos, check it out at:  http://www.primenet.com/~handy/    Howard plays banjo and sings tenor with The BluegrAZ Express. For the ninth  year they played at the annual Desert Botanical Gardens Noche De Los Luminarias, Dec. 2 & 3, 1999.

Susan has an almost full-time "job" answering e-mail from her home page as people around the world contact her regarding Carcinoid.  She tries to answer their basic questions and direct them to the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and on-line support groups.  She sends a lot of medical information, inspirational pieces, poetry, plus humor to carcinoid friends, relatives and other friends via e-mail,  that will help people keep a positive, up-beat, the glass is half-full, attitude. She remains active in two book discussion groups: the Contemporary Book Discussion Club she founded in Oct. 1983, and the Night Book Discussion Club she co-founded in May 1989,  There are never enough hours in the day for her. Check out her homepage at:  http://home.att.net/~S.L.Anderson/

In June Susan's father moved into an assisted living facility.  Susan organized a greeting card shower for his 90th birthday on Oct. 2nd -- she was not able to attend.   His address and phone:  William Kenneth "Scotty" Scott, P.O. Box 358, Truman Lake Manor, (600 East 7th Street) Lowry City, MO 64763, phone: 417-644-7978

We are especially looking forward to Christmas this year as son Scott, wife Sarah, Sarah's parents (Richard and Susan Hensch) and brothers (Dave and Mike) will all be here from Florida.  Daughter Shelly and husband Bob are having the Christmas Eve meal and gift opening in their home, then we (Susan and Howard) are preparing the Christmas Day dinner in our home.  Scott and Sarah are hoping for snow so they may go skiing one day, and have other good plans for sightseeing as it is Sarah's first trip to AZ.

Cynthia, her husband Gerry, and children, Sarah, John, Jason and Alina live in Arkansas.  Shelly and husband Bob live in Arizona.   Scott, wife Sarah, and daughter Caitlin live in Florida and also maintain an office and apartment in Puerto Rico. All are leading full, active lives!

After our Florida family leaves, Susan and Howard are going to southern AZ.  Our 29th wedding anniversary is Dec. 31st, and we have reservations to tour the newly opened Kartchner Caverns on New Years Day 2000.

As 1999 comes to a close we have many blessings to count and give thanks for -- including you, our friends and family. Please note we have a new area code so our phone number is now: 480-897-7425.




Howard and Susan Anderson (also known as "Sunny Susan in AZ")  

Howard's home page:  http://www.primenet.com/~handy/
Howard e-mail:  handy@primenet.com
Susan's home page:  http://home.att.net/~S.L.Anderson/
Susan's e-mail:  S.L.Anderson@worldnet.att.net

+ + + + + + + + + +

19 December 1998

We are enjoying all of the letters, pictures and cards as they arrive, and we look forward to hearing from all of you - our friends and family - each holiday season.

We started the year by visiting Susan's Father in Missouri.  We made another trip there in the fall when he was hospitalized with serious health problems.  He is doing well again, and at 89 enjoys his home, garden, computer, baking bread, and lives alone.

In February Susan and her college pal, Lianne, met for eleven days in New York City. The purpose of the trip was for Susan to consult with one of the world's leading Carcinoid Cancer experts, and it was very productive.  Dr. Warner started Susan on chemotherapy, and injections of a drug that has changed her life.  Since approximately the first of June she has been pain free and has regained the energy she missed so much.  For her, this is a "miracle drug".  The gals enjoyed sightseeing and catching up on old and current times.  In October Susan had a porta catheter implanted in her chest to facilitate  on-going chemotherapy and the drawing of blood.

Three friends and Susan enjoyed visiting Savannah, GA, in the spring.  They were joined by our son, Scott, and granddaughter Caitlin from Florida.

We continue to host our Wednesday evening acoustic Bluegrass music jam sessions, as we did for six years in VA, and have for 15 1/2 years in AZ - yes each week!  Howard still plays banjo and sings tenor with the BluegrAz Express Band.

We were deeply saddened in Aug. when our lovely Birman cat "Levi" was found to have a rare form of liver cancer.  In the end we had to have him put to sleep while Susan held him in her arms.  It is like losing a close member of the family.  Howard wrote a nice tribute to Levi, with pictures, which is on both of our home pages.

Susan has an almost full-time "job" answering e-mail from her home page as people around the world contact her regarding Carcinoid.  She tries to answer their basic questions and direct them to the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and on-line support groups.  She sends a lot of inspirational pieces, poetry, plus humor to carcinoid friends, relatives and other friends via e-mail.  She is always looking for additional pieces that will help people keep a positive, up-beat, the glass is half-full, attitude. She remains active in two book discussion groups; the day group she founded in Oct. 1983, and the night group she co-founded in May 1989, and frequently enjoys lunch out with friends.  There are never enough hours in the day for her.

Howard is still a software design engineer/developer, and still enjoys the constant cycle of learning new things.  He gets enjoyment from work, astrophotography, music and his many other interests.

Over Thanksgiving we had a very relaxing trip to the beach in San Diego.  We enjoyed long walks along the beach plus seeing and hearing the surf 24 hours each day.

Scott and daughter Caitlin live in Florida.  Cynthia, her husband,  and children, Sarah, John, Jason and Alina live in Arkansas.   Shelly and husband Bob live in Arizona.  All are leading full, active lives.

As 1998 comes to a close we have many blessings to count and give thanks for -- including you, our friends and family.  




Susan and Howard

Howard's home page:  http://www.primenet.com/~handy/  Howard e-mail:  handy@primenet.com

Susan's home page:  http://home.att.net/~S.L.Anderson/ Susan's e-mail:  S.L.Anderson@worldnet.att.net/

I have a list of folks I love, all written in a book,
and every year at Christmas time I go and take a look.
And that is when I realize these names they are a part,
not of the book they're written in, but of my very heart.

Each name it stands for someone who has crossed by path sometime
and in that meeting I've become the "Rhythm of the Rhyme".
And while it sounds fantastic now for me to make this claim,
I really feel I am composed of each remembered name. 

And while you may not be aware of any special link,
just meeting you has shaped my life much more than you can think.   
For once I've met someone like you, the years cannot erase
the memory of a pleasant word or of a friendly face.

So never think my Christmas cards are just a mere routine
of names, upon a Christmas list forgotten in between.
For when I send a Christmas card that is addressed to you,
it is because you're on that list of folks that I'm indebted to.

For I am but a total of the many folks I've met, and
you happen to be one of those I prefer not to forget.
And whether I have known you many years or just a few,
in some way you have had a part in shaping things I do.

      And every year when Christmas comes, I realize anew
      the biggest gift that life can give is meeting folks like you.
      May the spirit of Christmas that forever endures leave
      God's richest blessings in the hearts of you and yours.

+ + + + + + + + + +

1 December 1997

Holiday Greetings from Beautiful Arizona,

As the holidays approach our thoughts turn even more to our friends and family spread around the globe.  We look forward to hearing from everyone with news updates of your year and pictures of you and your families.


Every Wednesday evening we host traditional, acoustic, Bluegrass music jam sessions in our home -- as we have done in Arizona weekly since August 1983.  We will host these as long as there are pickers and grinners who would like to attend.  We both enjoy these evenings of friendship and music very much! 

In July we took the motorhome to the White Mountains of AZ on vacation, where we camped at the 9,200 ft. level on the edge of a meadow.  We only saw one to two vehicles per day, but many deer and evidence of bear.  Howard enjoyed taking deep-space photographs, and we both read and relaxed in the tall cool pines.

During September we spent fifteen fabulous days on Kauai, HI.  We rented a Poipu Shores condo with lanai above a sea-wall.  It was wonderful to observe sea turtles, and sea life plus see and hear the surf 24-hour a day!

Some of our Kauai activities were: helicopter tour of the whole island; sunset sail on "Tropical Bird"; Poipu, Shipwreck and other beaches; observing Monk Seals, Green Sea Turtles and several kinds of dolphin; Spouting Horn;  Waimea Canyon; many art galleries (we purchased three paintings and two pieces of  scrimshaw);  National Tropical Botanical Gardens; Kilohana Plantation; full day trip to the Na Pali coast on "Spirit of Kauai" a sailing catamaran; Kilauea Lighthouse; Kilauea National Wildlife Refuge;  Hanalei;  Wailua River cruise to the Fern Grotto; Smith's Tropical Gardens Paradise; Garden luau and International Pageant; Wings Over Hawaii (Monarch butterflies); Wailua, Opaeka'a and many other Waterfalls; South Seas tour of wild animal park; Howard enjoyed snorkeling and taking pictures of the beautiful fish while Susan enjoyed the beaches.

Howard's Mother died 29 Dec. 1996, in Oregon.  His Father has since relocated to Washington, D.C.  In October Howard's Father and his sister Pat, from New Mexico, were here for a good visit. In the spring we enjoyed a visit from Glen Rissberger.

Susan and Carol Goewey spent a beautiful fall week in Monterey, CA, where they attended Bouchercon - The World Mystery Convention.  They have also attended Bouchercon's in Pasadena, CA, Toronto, Canada, and Seattle, WA.  They enjoyed seeing old friends, the many panel discussions, meeting new authors and social functions.  They also enjoyed the marvelous Monterey Bay Aquarium, Cannery Row, Old Fisherman's Wharf and eating wonderful fresh seafood.

Howard, a Senior Member of the Technical Staff, has been with Motorola for 14 1/2 years where he is a software engineer.  Since age 14 he has maintained his amateur radio license, his call is K7AZA.  Howard is a member of MENSA and the East Valley Astronomy Club.  We are both members of the Arizona Bluegrass Assoc. (ABA) and the Arizona Bluegrass & Old-Time Musicians Assoc. (ABMA).  Howard gets a great deal of enjoyment doing deep-space photography with his Meade LX200 10" telescope, and sometimes develops his own color slides.  Howard enjoys discussing astronomy via the Internet.  He continually updates his web page with  new  astrophotos,  check it out at:  http://www.primenet.com/~handy/ Howard plays banjo and sings tenor with The BluegrAZ Express. For the seventh  year  they are  playing  at  the annual Desert  Botanical  Gardens  Noche De Los Luminarias, Dec. 4th, 5th, and 6th, 1997.  They play private parties and will  appear at the Quartzsite Bluegrass Festival on Feb. 8, 1998, and the Buckeye Bluegrass Festival, March 7th or 8th, 1998.

Susan never has enough hours in the day to accomplish all that she would like to do.  She maintains the records for the daytime book discussion group that she founded in Sept. 1983, and the night book discussion group that she co-founded, with Penny Johnson, in May 1989.  Both groups choose a diversified list of books to read and discuss yearly -- always a biography and a classic, in addition to non-fiction and fiction.  The daytime group is full, but there is space in the night group for additional active participants.

Since Susan was diagnosed with CARCINOID Cancer of the small intestine May 10, 1995, there have been many changes in our lives.  Quality of life is over-all good, with fatigue, steady ache/pain, some diarrhea, and a total lack of appetite being the current situation.  Her cancer is monitored  via CT's (cat-scans) and ultrasounds plus urine and blood testing.

Susan is in touch with other CARCINOID patients/survivors in various parts of the world via the Internet -- The National Carcinoid Support Group, The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation of NYC, The Carcinoid Cancer On-Line Support Group Mailing-List, and her homepage.  To the best of our knowledge, she is the only person with Carcinoid who has a homepage on the Internet.  She hears from people around the world who find her homepage and ask questions.  Susan tries to answer everyone and direct them to the groups mentioned above, plus other sources of medical,  drug, inspirational, humor, poetry, news, support activities and information.  Check out her homepage at:  http://home.att.net/~S.L.Anderson/

Susan hopes to add part of her 2,500 person genealogy database to her homepage early in 1998 and do more research.  She still collects:  bells, spoons, plates, and signed first edition books (mostly mysteries), but not too actively lately.

We spent Thanksgiving with Shelly and husband Bob Bauer.  They prepared a huge traditional dinner for some of Bob's family from MN, CO, AZ, and us.  An enjoyable day was had by all. Yesterday was their first wedding anniversary!

We plan a trip to visit Susan's Father, in Missouri, later this month.  Susan and three girlfriends plan to visit Savannah, Georgia, next spring, and then she will visit son Scott and granddaughter Caitlin in Florida. 

With Love and Best Wishes for a Healthy,
        Happy, Peaceful, and Prosperous 1998          

Howard and Susan Anderson
Tempe, AZ 85283                              

Susan's e-mail............. s.l.anderson@worldnet.att.net
Susan's homepage........... http://home.att.net/~S.L.Anderson/
Howard's e-mail at home.... handy@primenet.com
Howard's e-mail at work.... anderson@sst.sps.mot.com
Howard's homepage.......... http://www.primenet.com/~handy/

+ + + + + + + + + +

1 December 1996

Holiday Greetings from Beautiful Arizona,

We look forward to hearing from our friends and relatives with updates of your year, news and pictures of you and your families.  We started and ended this year with two very happy occasions.

Sunday, December 31, 1995, over 100 friends attended an open-house for our 25th wedding anniversary.  Susan's Father, from Missouri, was here for three weeks, and son Scott and his family from Florida, were here for a week.  It was a memorable day, and a wonderful holiday season.  We appreciate everyone who attended and enjoyed hearing from those of you who were unable to attend. 

Yesterday our daughter, Shelly, married Robert (Bob) John Bauer in a beautiful ceremony at Country Estate Gardens in Mesa, AZ.  Over 100 friends and relatives attended the ceremony, reception, dinner and dance.  We are very happy for Shelly and Bob, and delighted to welcome Bob as a member of our small family.

Every Wednesday evening we host acoustic, traditional, Bluegrass music jam sessions in our home -- as we have done weekly since August 1983.  We will host these as long as there are pickers and grinners who would like to attend.  We both enjoy these evenings of friendship and music very much. 

In March we flew to Las Vegas for a few days where we attended the Louis Rukeyser Investment Conference at the MGM Grand.  We enjoyed two Vegas shows: Siegfried and Roy with their white tigers and other animals at the Mirage, and Michael Crawford in EXF at the MGM Grand.

In June we took the motorhome to the White Mountains of AZ for a one week vacation.  We drove the motorhome to New Mexico in September for a visit with Howard's sister, Pat, and her registered Arabians and registered Quarter Horses.  We visited the NM State Fair, Santa Fe and Taos.  On the way home visited Meteor Crater, AZ.   

While in New Mexico we added another cat to our family.  Howard's sister gave us Levi, a very large, medium long-haired, beautiful, blue-eyed Birman, with markings similar to a Siamese.  He is very sweet, affectionate, loveable, and captured our hearts.  The three cats we already had aren't quite as thrilled with him as we are, but we are managing all right in a four-cat family.

Howard, a Senior Member of the Technical Staff, has been with Motorola for 13 1/2 years where he is a software engineer.  Since age 14 he has maintained his amateur radio license, his call is K7AZA.  He is a member of MENSA, the AZ Bluegrass Association, and the East Valley Astronomy Club.  He gets a great deal of enjoyment doing deep-space photography with his Meade LX200 10" telescope, and sometimes developing his own color slides.  Howard enjoys discussing astronomy via the Internet.  Howard has three of his color deep-space photographs on page 70 in the new Meade Instrument Company catalogue.  

Howard plays banjo and sings tenor with The BluegrAZ Express. For the sixth  year  they are  playing  at  the 19th annual Desert  Botanical  Gardens  Noche De Los Luminarias, Dec. 5th and 6th, 1996.  Early this year he still played banjo with The Tylers. 

In May Susan's book discussion groups were featured in a nice newspaper article that brought many telephone inquiries.  The day group that she founded in Sept. 1983 has 30 participants (and is full).  The night group that she co-founded in May 1989 has 25 participants.  Both groups choose a diversified list of books to read and discuss yearly - always a biography, and a classic, in addition to non-fiction and fiction. 

Since Susan was diagnosed with CARCINOID Cancer of the small intestine May 10, 1995, she has regained most of her lost weight, and things are coming along well.  Quality of life is over-all good, with fatigue, ache/pain from adhesions, diarrhea, and a total lack of appetite being the major on-going problems.  The cancer is monitored via several CT's (cat-scans) and several ultrasounds yearly plus frequent urine and blood testing.  She is in touch with other CARCINOID patients/survivors in various parts of the world via The Internet.

In July Susan attended a very informative and enjoyable three day seminar and workshop held at John Gardiner's Tennis Ranch in Scottsdale, AZ. The topic was  "The Power of Prayer: Spirituality and Healing".  All sessions were led  by Dr. Larry Dossey, M.D.

Susan has met with several fellow genealogists this year, and has had more  contact with others via telephone, the Internet, and letters, than in recent years.  She has good intentions for more research in 1997.  Susan still collects bells, spoons, plates, and signed first edition novels - mostly mysteries.

Our entire tiny family is connected via the Internet, as are more and more friends.  It is a wonderful way to communicate.  Susan has been on Prodigy since early 1990 and still maintains that account in addition to The ATT Internet account.

A large "thank you" to all of you who have us (Susan and Howard) in your prayers, have kept us on your prayer circle lists, have kept in touch with cards, letters, phone calls, and electronic mail this past year! 

 With Love and Best Wishes for a Healthy,
  Happy, Peaceful, and Prosperous 1997

Howard and Susan Anderson
Tempe, AZ 85283

Email Addresses:
Susan at home.......  s.l.anderson@worldnet.att.net
Howard at home......  anderson@goodnet.com
Howard at work......  anderson@sst.sps.mot.com

+ + + + + + + + + +

16 November 1995

Holiday Greetings from Beautiful Arizona,

Again it is the holiday season and we look forward to hearing from all of you with news of your families, activities and pictures!

We thought 1994 was a strange year, but it can't compare to 1995 for all of our family.

Shelly's best friend Cami died in January and Shelly flew in, from Gig Harbor, Washington, for the funeral and a weeks visit.

Susan and Howard flew to Missouri in April and a wonderful visit with Susan's parents (for their 61st wedding anniversary), and with Scott, Kellie, and granddaughter Caitlin who joined us for the week from Florida.

Shelly's divorce was final in May.  Howard flew to WA, and helped her drive a rental truck towing a car trailer back to AZ.  They briefly visited Howard's parents in Eugene, Oregon, on the trip.  Shelly has been a tremendous help to us this summer and fall.  We are sorry for the divorce, but very glad to have her living in AZ again.

From Nov. 1994 through mid-May 1995 Susan was in almost constant severe pain.  She lost 62 pounds, and underwent frequent tests (including stomach lining biopsy, liver biopsy, and cat-scans, to name a few), trying to determine the cause of her situation.

May 10th Susan had surgery for an obstruction, was in the hospital for ten (10) days, and was diagnosed with CARCINOID CANCER of the small intestine.  The good news is this is a very, very rare form of gastro-intestinal cancer, and it is very, very slow growing.  Even with no treatment many patients survive from 5 to 15 years.  The bad news is there is no known cure, it grows too slowly to use radiation, and chemotherapy is rarely used.

The usual treatment for Carcinoid Cancer is surgery to remove tumors when there is a lot of pain and other symptoms present.  At the present time Susan has a tumor in her abdomen and lesions in her liver, but no pain, and no other symptoms, so we are doing nothing at the moment.  She is working with doctors locally and at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, in Tucson, one of 32 National Cancer Institute Designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers.  She has regained 50 of the 62 pounds she lost, is pain free (the first time since 1988), and feels better than she has felt for years.  When feeling well it is difficult to remember you have a terminal illness.

Anyone finding articles or other information about Carcinoid Cancer or anything pertaining to new research are encouraged to send them to us.   They will be appreciated.

Oct. 2nd Susan's Mother, Ruth Scott, died quite unexpectedly in MO.  Howard and Susan flew to MO and were joined by son Scott from FL, and daughter Cynthia from AR.  Susan's Father, Kenneth, is staying there at this time.  He is ever busy with his newest color computer system and baking bread daily.

Howard, a software engineer, has been employed by Motorola twelve and a half years, he is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff.  His office is in Tempe near our home.  He still maintains his amateur radio license, as he has since age 14, his call is K7AZA, and is a member of Mensa and the AZ Bluegrass Assoc.  He has especially enjoyed doing deep-space photography with his Mead LX200 10" telescope, and developing his color slides.  He enjoys discussing astronomy via the Internet.  Howard is a member of two Bluegrass bands.

Howard plays banjo with The Tylers and Tippecanoe, they played at Bluegrass festivals in Buckeye, Lakeside-Pinetop, Phoenix and Wickenburg, AZ, plus private parties and community affairs this year.  They will perform five times at the Colorado River Music Festival in Blythe, CA, Jan. 19-21, 1996, also will perform at the Bluegrass River Revel in Needles, CA, Feb. 16-19, 1996, and at the Buckeye (AZ) Bluegrass Festival March 1-3, 1996.  The Tylers and Tippecanoe made a cassette tape this fall. 

Howard also plays banjo and sings tenor with The BluegrAZ Express who played private parties, RV shows, nursing homes, community affairs, street fairs this year.  For the fifth  year  they are  playing  at  the Desert  Botanical  Gardens  Luminarias  Nights, Nov. 30 & Dec. 2, 1995, and will perform at the Buckeye (AZ) Bluegrass Festival March 1-3, 1996.  The BluegrAZ Express made a cassette tape this summer.

In Aug. Howard attended a conference in San Diego and Susan accompanied him for a nice mini-vacation.  We spent a very enjoyable Sunday at Sea World.  Howard had a business trip to England this fall.  We have made a few short camping trips within Arizona, with the motorhome and telescope, this summer and fall.

For the third year, Susan has had to curtail her many activities even more.  She resigned from Women's Investment Network of Arizona (an investment club she co-founded) which was difficult.  She hasn't been able to participate as much as she would like, but is a member of the Evening Book Discussion Group, and the Tempe Book Discussion Group (that she organized in Sept. 1983).  All of her collections are on hold, first edition signed mystery books, bells, spoons and plates.  Although an avid reader, all of her life, she is just starting to get back to reading for pleasure and listening to audio tapes of books.  She has acquired a large home library of books and tapes on cancer, healing and wellness, plus spends time doing cancer research at the library, and via the Internet.  When possible she attends a wonderful group called "Creative Cancer Patients" and has visited other cancer support groups. 

We continue to host our Wednesday evening, acoustic, traditional, Bluegrass music jam sessions in our home weekly as we have done since August 1983.  We will host these as long as there are pickers and grinners who would like to attend.  We both enjoy these  evenings of music and friendship very much. 

Susan owes answers to too many letters, regarding genealogical research, to count.  She hopes to work on that research in 1996, along with continued cancer research, and being a more active participant in the two book discussion groups.

A huge "thank you" to all of you who have Susan (and Howard) in your prayers, have added us to your prayer circle lists, have kept in touch with cards, letters, phone calls, and all of the other nice things that have been done for us this past year!  We are fortunate to have so many wonderful and caring friends, that we have made through our neighbors, Howard's work, our jam sessions, the AZ Bluegrass Association, the book discussion groups and other groups we are/or have been members of!

We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of son Scott, daughter-in-law Kellie, and granddaughter Caitlin, from Jacksonville, FL, for the holidays!  We hope Susan's Father will also join us for a visit, but haven't gotten a commitment from him yet.

We look forward to our open-house at 2 p.m. on December 31, 1995, for our 25th wedding anniversary, and sharing that time with family and friends.

We wish you, and your families a very healthy,
happy, peaceful, and prosperous 1996

Howard and Susan Anderson

+ + + + + + + + + +

13 December 1994                                                        

Holiday Greetings from Beautiful Arizona,

The holidays are upon us, and time seems to go faster and faster with each passing year!  We look forward to hearing from all of you with news of your activities and families!

We shall be home this year for the holidays.  Last year we had a marvelous Christmas in the home of son, Scott, daughter-in-law, Kellie, and adorable granddaughter Caitlin in Jacksonville, FL.

Howard, a software engineer, has been employed by Motorola eleven and a half years,  he is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff.  He has an office in Tempe within two miles of our home.  He is a member of the Motorola Experimental Computer Club of Arizona (MECCA), and MENSA.  He plays banjo and sings tenor with the BluegrAz Express Band.  They have enjoyed playing at the Desert Botanical Gardens, Bluegrass festivals, barbecues, and for various civic and social functions.  He enjoys the Bluegrass music jam sessions we have held in our home each week since August 1983.  Howard does research at home on his computer, and maintains his amateur radio (HAM) license, as he has since age 14, his call is K7AZA.  This year Howard purchased a Mead LX200 10" telescope.  He has wanted a large telescope since he was eight years old.  he is looking forward to many camping trips into the desert to star-gaze, but for now he is using it in our backyard and enjoying it very much.

Susan hosts our Wednesday evening Bluegrass music jam sessions, is active in the Arizona Bluegrass Association (ABA), Tempe Book Discussion Group (that she organized in Sept. 1983), Evening Book Discussion Group, and is completing her second yeas as secretary of the Women's Investment Network of Arizona (WIN) a National Association of Investors Corporations (NAIC) club.  She is an avid reader and collector of first edition (signed by the author) books, bells, spoons and plates.  Susan is active on the Prodigy interactive computer network (her ID is WSNS82A), and hopes to get back to her genealogical research more this coming year, although there are never enough hours in a day.  She has found it quite difficult to slow down in her activities.

Some of the many things we've enjoyed this year: following the Phoenix Suns NBA basketball team; Itzhak Perlman in concert with the Phoenix Symphony, attending numerous author's book singings and seminars; Bluegrass festivals in Blythe, CA, Needles, CA (also visiting Lake Havasu, London Bridge, and the casinos at Laughlin, NV), Pinetop-Lakeside, AZ, and Wickenburg, AZ; attending Bluegrass pickin' parties, our annual camping trip with the Keith Olds family to Bear Canyon Lake, other camping trips to the Superstition Mountains and the high country of AZ.  Howard and Mark Miner, had several enjoyable camping and fishing trips in the high country of AZ.

We enjoyed hosting in our home: our annual April pot-luck and Bluegrass pickin' party; the 11th annual May dinner for the Tempe Book Discussion Group; in May the annual pot-luck for the Evening Book Discussion Group; plus the Wednesday evening weekly acoustic Bluegrass music jam session we've held since August 1983 in our home and plan to continue for many many years to come.

In February Susan, and Carol Goewey, attended the Left Coast Crime Conference (for mystery publishers, agents, authors and fans) in CA and had a most enjoyable trip.

In April we drove our motorhome to Missouri and spent a very enjoyable week visiting with Susan's parents.  Susan organized a large card shower for her parents 60th wedding anniversary on April 13.  We thank all our friends and family who sent cards, letters and pictures to Susan's parents, they are all very much appreciated.

In June Susan organized a dinner party for friend Leslie Tainsky who was visiting here from her current home in Hong Kong.  In July Susan flew to Portland, OR, rented a car and met Leslie for sightseeing.  They visited the Columbia River Gorge and many waterfalls along the way, Skamania Lodge, WA, Timberline Lodge, OR, in Portland took a city tour and also visited Hoyt Arboretum, then drove to the beautiful OR coast, where they visited Sea Lions Cave, Cape Perpetua Visitors Center, observed sea life at low tide in tidal pools, visited Salisham Lodge, Heceta Head Lighthouse, and local art galleries before returning to the Portland area.  It was a fun trip.

Howard and Susan flew to Seattle, WA in late September for two weeks of visiting and sightseeing.  We headquartered with, and enjoyed our visits with, daughter and son-in-law, Shelly and Smitty in Gig Harbor, WA, and put 1950 miles on the rental car.  We enjoyed visits with Howards parents in Eugene, OR, and were there for his fathers 80th birthday.  We also enjoyed dining with Doug and Mary Ann Appel in Eugene, OR, Glenn and Joanne Rissberge in Portland, OR, and Lynn and Cherri Endicott in Gig Harbor, WA.  We visited: the Oregon coast, Sea Lions Cave, several lighthouses, and climbed the Astoria Column in OR.  In WA we visited: several lighthouses, many beaches (some of which you could drive on), did a lot of walking on beaches, Hurricane Ridge (enjoying the views and the friendly deer), Hoh Rain Forest, Olympic National Park, hiked many trails, Port Townsend, Port Angeles, Neah Bay, several Indian reservations, Long Beach, Ocean Shores, Pacific Beach, and Poulsbo "Little Norway" Smittys home town and met his family.

October 5th Susan saw Howard onto a plane for Phoenix, and met Carol Goewey arriving from Phoenix.  Susan and Carol then went to Seattle for the 25th Boucheron (World Mystery Convention), which they enjoyed very much, meeting and having meals with favorite authors and friends.  After the convention they took a dry trip to Victoria, B.C., via the Victoria Clipper, where they visited the beautiful Butchart Gardens.  It was a fun seven days trip.

Susan was home for eleven days in October before she accompanied Howard on a business trip to north central England, we flet into and out of Manchester.  We stayed in Nunsmere Hall, a former country estate surrounded on three sides by lakes and a beautiful site for gracious dining and living.  While Howard worked Susan visited: Shakespeare country, Stratford-Upon-Avon, The Lake country, Windermere, Bowness-On- Windermere, The World of Beatrice Potter, York (the city walls and old-town), The York Minister (cathederal), and Jorvik Viking Center.  Together we visited:  the old Roman walled city of Chester, Conwy Castle in Wales, Caernarfon Castle in Wales, Arley Hall and Gardens, an arts and crafts show, and Jodrell Bank Radio-Telescope and arboretum.  We enjoyed our first visit to England very much, and the weather was mild, though damp.

Susan had her gall-bladder removed in June.  This has been a strange year, we have done a lot and gone many places, but Susan has been ill off and on all year, missing many planned activities and even being in the hospital five times.  We missed all three Arizona Bluegrass Assoc. (ABA) camp-outs and she missed the annual ABA Christmas dinner/party either because she was ill, or Howard was out of town on business.  She has three chronic gastro problems, two are well under control, we're still trying to learn how to manage the third problem.

The ABA honored us this year, the membership voted, and at the Christmas dinner/party awarded us (only Howard was there to accept, Susan was home ill) a beautiful engraved plaque which reads:
















We were surprised and pleased to receive this honor.  To all of our Bluegrass friends who voted for us, thank you very much, this is quite a meaningful honor for us and very much appreciated!

We wish you, and your families a very healthy, happy, peaceful, and prosperous 1995.

Howard and Susan Anderson                                                                         


For those of you who mark your calendars, please note Sunday afternoon, December 31, 1995, yes 1995.  That date will be our (Howard and Susan Anderson) 25th wedding anniversary and we shall have an open-house/reception in our home from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m.  We hope all of our friends and family will be able to attend.  Shelly and Smitty Larson plan to be here from Gig Harbor, WA, and Scott, Kellie and Caitlin Anderson plan to be here from Jacksonville, FL.

+ + + + + + + + + +

December 3, 1993

Holiday Greetings from Beautiful Arizona,

The holidays are upon us, and time seems to go faster and faster with each passing year!  We look forward to hearing from all of you with news of your activities and families!

When we wrote Thanksgiving Day 1992, Shelly was in the hospital after major surgery (she has fully recovered), and Howard was ill with what had been diagnosed as pneumonia.  The latter proved false and the diagnosis illusive.  He had a hard case of Coccidioidomycosis "Valley Fever" which is a fungus growing in your lungs.  It was this October before he began to feel more like his former self and his strength started to return.

Howard, a software engineer, has been employed by Motorola ten years, he is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff.  He has an office in Tempe within two miles of our home.  He is a member of the Motorola Experimental Computer Club of Arizona (MECCA), and MENSA, but has been inactive most of this year.  He plays banjo and sings tenor with the BluegrAz Express Band.  They have enjoyed playing at the Desert Botanical Gardens, Bluegrass festivals, and for various civic and social functions.  He enjoys the Bluegrass music jam sessions we have held in our home each week since August 1983.  Howard does research at home on his computer, and maintains his amateur radio (HAM) license, as he has since age 14.

Susan hosts our Wednesday evening Bluegrass music jam sessions, is active in the Arizona Bluegrass Association (ABA), Tempe Book Discussion Group (that she organized in Sept. 1983), Evening Book Discussion Group, and   secretary (1993 and again for 1994) of the Women's Investment Network of Arizona (WIN) a National Association of Investors Corporations (NAIC) club.  She is an avid reader and collector of first edition books.  Susan is active on the Prodigy interactive computer network.  She flew to Missouri in March for a weeks visit with her parents.

Susan has cut back her activities this year to free up more of her time.  She has withdrawn from six groups:  service on the Phoenix Council of the National Association of Investors Corporations (NAIC), Arizona Genealogical Computer Interest Group, Family History Society of AZ, and three investment clubs ‑ Gilder Club, Windy City Investment Club, and FROLIC. 

We're happy to have added two new members to our small family!  December 1st, Shelly and Smitty Larson were married in Tucson (he is in the family picture we sent as a Christmas card last year), and Cynthia's new baby, Jason DeLong, was born November 14th.

Shelly and Smitty are being transfered to Washington state (the west side of Puget Sound area) in January, where he will manage a Sbarro's Italian Restaurant as he has been doing in Tucson.  We are delighted to have Smitty in our family, and are happy for the transfer to where they want to live.  We will mail wedding announcements after they have their new address and phone number.  We spent a delightful Thanksgiving with them in Tucson ‑ they prepared a superb traditional turkey dinner and more.

Cynthia graduated from Arkansas Technical University, with certification to teach physical science and chemistry in secondary and middle schools.   Instead of teaching she is at home being a full‑time homemaker for her husband Gerry, new baby Jason, daughter Sarah a 6th grader who plays the piano and French horn, and son John a 2nd grader.

Scott is Vice President of Logan Diving, Inc. (underwater engineers), and daughter‑in‑law, Kellie, is a juvenile probation officer for the State of Florida.  Caitlin is 19 months old and attends a Montessori pre‑school. They enjoy their lovely home, boat, friends, travel, daughter Caitlin and Boxer dog Louise.  We are looking forward to spending the holidays with them.  Scotts work takes him all over the eastern half of the USA and the Caribbean.  He has spent a lot of time in Puerto Rico this year, where he also maintains an office and warehouse. 

Some of the many things we've enjoyed this year: plays and light operas at AZ State University; following the Phoenix Suns NBA basketball team; attending numerous author's book signings and seminars; Phoenix Symphony concerts; Bluegrass festivals in Blythe, CA, Kingman, Vernon, Pinetop‑Lakeside, AZ; Arizona Bluegrass Association (ABA) spring camp‑out in the Superstition Mountains, summer camp‑out near Flagstaff and fall camp‑out near Casa Grande; summer camp‑out with the MENSA group for amateur radio field day, and other camping trips in AZ.

We enjoyed hosting in our home:  our annual April pot‑luck and Bluegrass pickin' party; the annual May dinner for the Tempe Book Discussion Group; also in May we hosted 70 friends for a pool‑side barbecue; in June the first barbecue for members of the Women's Investment Network (WIN) of AZ; plus the Wednesday evening weekly acoustic Bluegrass music jam session we've held since August 1983 in our home and plan to continue for many many years to come.

The following poem we are using with the permission of friends, Charlie and Cathy Freund, who obtained it from friends in the Ozarks.

I have a list of folks I love, all written in a book,
and every year at Christmas time I go and take a look.
And that is when I realize these names they are a part,
not of the book they're written in, but of my very heart.

Each name it stands for someone who has crossed by path sometime
and in that meeting I've become the "Rhythm of the Rhyme".
And while it sounds fantastic now for me to make this claim,
I really feel I am composed of each remembered name. 

And while you may not be aware of any special link,
just meeting you has shaped my life much more than you can think.   
For once I've met someone like you, the years cannot erase
the memory of a pleasant word or of a friendly face.

So never think my Christmas cards are just a mere routine
of names, upon a Christmas list forgotten in between.
For when I send a Christmas card that is addressed to you,
it is because you're on that list of folks that I'm indebted to.

For I am but a total of the many folks I've met, and
you happen to be one of those I prefer not to forget.
And whether I have known you many years or just a few,
in some way you have had a part in shaping things I do.

      And every year when Christmas comes, I realize anew
      the biggest gift that life can give is meeting folks like you.
      May the spirit of Christmas that forever endures leave
      God's richest blessings in the hearts of you and yours.

 We wish you, your families and friends a very healthy, happy, peaceful, and prosperous 1994.                                                                                                                                           Thanksgiving

+ + + + + + + + + +


Holiday Greetings from Beautiful Arizona,

Early this year we made reservations to spend five days at the Grand Canyon over Thanksgiving.  Things change, Howard has pneumonia, Shelly had surgery and is in the hospital.

As always we look forward to hearing from all of you, our family and friends, with pictures and updates of your years activities.

Seems like only yesterday, Dec. 31, 1970, we were married ‑ Howard with 18 month old Shelly, and Susan with 9 year old Scott and 10 year old Cynthia.  These have been very good years, and soon we'll celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary. 

A highlight of 1992 was our trip to the mid‑west.  First we visited with Susan's parents in MO, then we all went to AR, where we met daughter Shelly and her now‑ex fiance from AZ, son Scott, wife Kellie and our new three week‑old granddaughter Caitlin from FL, daughter Cynthia, grandchildren Sarah age 10, John age 6, and soon to be son‑in‑law Gerry.  Cynthia and Gerry were married in a nice church ceremony on May 23.  We had a very enjoyable family reunion.

Howard started 1992 as a Senior Member of The Technical Staff, in the Technology Computer Aided Design/Advanced Technology Center of Motorola, Inc.  The end of April he moved to a new venture, INFO Enterprises, a Motorola owned company, where he is the Director of Development.  His new position provided an abundance of technical and creative challenges which he enjoys and thrives on, and a superb group of people to work with.  

Howard serves on the Industrial Advisory Committee of the Computer Science Department at Colorado State University.  For the second year he is President of the Motorola Experimental Computer Club of Arizona (MECCA), a charter member of the Phoenix area IEEE/Neural Network Chapter, and a member of MENSA.  He plays banjo and sings tenor with the BluegrAz Express Band, which practices one night each week.  The band has had a busy year playing at festivals, community, civic and church dinners and activities.  He enjoys the Bluegrass music jam sessions we have held in our home each Wednesday evening since August 1983.  Howard does research at home on his computer, and maintains his amateur radio (HAM) license, as he has since age 14.

Susan hosts our Wednesday evening Bluegrass music jam sessions, is a member of the Arizona Genealogical Computer Interest Group, Family History Society of Arizona, Arizona Bluegrass Association, Tempe Book Discussion Group (that she organized in Sept. 1983), Evening Book Discussion Group, Mystery Book Discussion Group, and four investment clubs, all members of the National Association of Investors Corporations (NAIC).  She is a member of the Phoenix Council of the NAIC.

Susan is a member of Windy City Investment Club (WCIC) the largest, and second oldest, on‑line investment club in the world, that meets  on the Prodigy Interactive Computer Network.  She is also member of a newer investment club also meeting on Prodigy, Fundamentally Rewarding On‑Line Investment Club (FROLIC).  Locally she is a member of Gilder Club and will serve as Vice‑President and educational trainer for 1993, and a charter member and secretary of the Women's Investment Network of Arizona (WIN).

In October Susan, and friend Carol Goewey, spent eight days in Toronto, Canada, sightseeing, attending Phantom of The Opera, and the 23rd Bouchercon ‑ The World Mystery Convention, a fun filled vacation. She met many authors this year, and all of her collections are now at a stand‑still except for signed first edition books.

Susan worked on the election board for the primary and general elections this year.  It was enjoyable to see many old friends and neighbors in our 1,500 person precinct.  She uses her PC/AT computer for genealogical research, keeps rosters and schedules for several organizations and is active on the Prodigy interactive network.  Although "organized" is her middle‑name, there are never enough hours in the day, or days in each week for all she would like to learn and accomplish. 

Daughter Shelly, twenty‑three, is still living and working in Tempe.  She is sweet, kind, considerate and we are glad she lives nearby.

Son Scott is Vice President of Logan Diving, Inc. (underwater engineers), and daughter‑in‑law, Kellie, is a Foster Care Counselor for the State of Florida, Dept. of Health and Rehabilitative Services.  They enjoy their lovely home, boat, friends, travel, their lives, and most of all their daughter, Caitlin born in April. 

In December daughter Cynthia will complete her semester of practice teaching high school chemistry, and receive her physical science degree from Arkansas Technical University.  She has had a very busy year; a new husband (Gerard DeLong), new home, finishing her degree, plus all of the family, civic and church activities and being a great mother to her children ‑ Sarah a delightful fifth grader, busy with Scouts, church and other activities and John who is enjoying first grade.

Some of the many things we've enjoyed this year: plays and light operas at AZ State University; following the Phoenix Suns NBA basketball team; attending authors book signings; Bluegrass festivals in Blythe, CA, Pinetop‑Lakeside, Winslow, Gisela, and Wickenburg, AZ; Arizona Bluegrass Association (ABA) spring camp‑out in the Superstition Mountains, summer camp‑out near Flagstaff and fall camp‑out near Casa Grande; and other camping and fishing trips in AZ.

We enjoyed hosting in our home: the annual dinner for the Tempe Book Discussion Group, annual dinner for the Evening Book Discussion Group, our annual March pot‑luck and Bluegrass pickin' party, in July we hosted 70 friends for a pool‑side bar‑be‑cue, and 40 Bluegrass friends joined Howard in Nov. for pickin' and to celebrate the "11th Anniversary of His 39th Birthday", plus the Wednesday evening weekly acoustic Bluegrass music jam session we've held since August 1983 in our home and plan to continue for many many years to come.

We wish you, your families and friends a very healthy, happy, peaceful, and prosperous 1993.                         

+ + + + + + + + + +

December 13, 1991

Holiday Greetings from Sunny Arizona!

Always as we prepare for the holiday season, we look forward to hearing from each of you with news and pictures of your past year.

Howard has had a busy year.  He serves on the Industrial Advisory Committee of the Computer Science Department at Colorado State University.  He is President of the Motorola Experimental Computer Club of Arizona (MECCA), a  charter  member   of the new Phoenix area IEEE/Neural Network Chapter, and a member of MENSA.  He enjoys his work as a Senior Member of The Technical Staff, in the Technology Computer Aided Design/Advanced Technology Center of Motorola, Inc.   His article "Global Parlor Tricks: Mapping algorithms to change the world" appeared in the October 1991 Amiga World Tech Journal.  Howard was issued a patent, "Complex Signal Transformation Using A Resistive Network", and was one of four who were issued a joint patent for "Sequence Processing Artificial Neural Network".  He plays banjo and sings tenor with the BluegrAz Express Band, which practices one night each week.  The band has had a busy year playing at festivals, organizational and civic group dinners and activities.  He enjoys the Bluegrass music jam sessions we have held in our home each Wednesday evening since August 1983.  Howard does research at home on his Amiga 2000 computer, and maintains his amateur radio (HAM) license, as he has since age 14, but rarely has time to be on the air.

Susan hosts our Wednesday evening Bluegrass music jam sessions, is a member of the Arizona Genealogical Computer Interest Group, Family History Society of Arizona, Arizona Bluegrass Association, Tempe Book Discussion Group, Evening Book Discussion Group, Mystery Book Discussion Group, and Gilder Club, an investment club associated with the National Association of Investors Corporations.  All of her collections are now at a stand‑still except for signed first edition books.  She managed to meet quite a few authors this year and has found it quite enjoyable.  In October Susan attended Bouchercon, The World Mystery Convention, in Pasadena, CA.  It was a exhilarating experience.  She looks forward to attending the 23rd Bouchercon next fall in Toronto.  She works on the election board whenever there is an election.  She uses her PC/AT computer for genealogical research, keeps rosters and schedules for several organizations and is active on the Prodigy interactive network.  Although "organized" is her middle‑name, there are never enough hours in the day, or days in each week for all she would like to learn and accomplish. 

Daughter Shelly, twenty‑two, is still employed in the auto body business.  In May she spent two wonderful weeks visiting Seattle, the Olympic Pensulia, and the Oregon Coast.

Son Scott is Vice President of Logan Diving, Inc. (underwater engineers), and daughter‑in‑law, Kellie, is a Foster Care Counselor for the State of Florida, Dept. of Health and Rehabilitative Services.  They enjoy their lovely home, boat, friends, travel, their lives, and are expecting their first baby in the spring. 

In August daughter Cynthia flew to Vienna, Austria, with a group from Forward Edge Missions.  They drove across Austria and Hungry then spent two weeks in Romania.  She was in Radaudti, Romania, when the coup was attempted in the Soviet Union.  She had a marvelous time (like in Kenya in 1990) and hopes to return to Romania for a month next summer.  She is a chemistry laboratory assistant/teachers aide and a senior at Arkansas Technical University, majoring in physical science.  Sarah is a delightful fourth grader, busy with Scouts, church and other activities.  John is having fun in kindergarden.

This year some of the things we've enjoyed: Bluegrass festivals in Blythe, CA,   Pinetop‑Lakeside, Winslow,  Gisela, and Wickenburg, AZ; Arizona Bluegrass Association spring camp‑out in the Supertition Mountains, and summer camp‑out near Flagstaff; operas, The Barber of Seville, Goodtime Charley, Company, The Goose From Cairo; plays, Hamlet, Guv The Musical, Midsummer Night's Dream; several Phoenix Suns NBA basketball games; attending authors book signings; the Grand Canyon; dinners, parties, and many Bluegrass pickin' parties; and the Washington Redskins ‑ Phoenix Cardinals football game last Sunday.

In July Howard attended the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (he is a charter member of this association), in Seattle, WA and Susan accompanied him.  We had a beautiful day trip to Mount Rainier.  While Howard attended meetings, Susan did genealogical research, enjoyed the Space Needle, sightseeing in and around Seattle, Friday Harbor, and riding the Puget Sound ferries.

After the conference, in Seattle, we met friends at a large house in Sun River, OR, that our group had rented for a week.  Howard and three friends re‑traced one of their many back‑pack/camping trips from thirty years ago.  They hiked nine miles in to the Mink Lake Basin where they camped, hiked and fished for four days.  Susan and the other three wives had a marvelous week, going white‑water rafting on the Deschutes River, a full day of canoeing on the Deschutes River, eating out, shopping, sight‑seeing, walking, riding ski lifts and bicycling.  Our sixteen days in the Pacific Northwest passed all too quickly, as we had a very memorable and wonderful vacation and reunion with old friends.

We spend five days over Thanksgiving in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with Howard's sister, Pat, and her roommate.  We enjoyed visiting, seeing Old Town, sampling many fine restaurants, visiting bookstores, and a snowy ride on the tramway to the top of beautiful Sandia Peak.  It was a great vacation until we arrived home, at 11 p.m. on Sunday evening, and found our home had been burglarized, yes with dead‑bolt locks and security bars on doors and windows.  We are still dealing with our insurance company, repairs and etc.

‑‑> NO PICKIN' PARTY THIS YEAR.  This robbery has put us behind and made a lot of unplanned for work, so as a result, we have CANCELLED OUR ANNUAL PICKIN' PARTY that was scheduled for December 28, 1991.  NO PARTY in 1991.  We plan to hold this party again in December 1992.  

We are looking forward to your cards, letters, phone calls, and pictures!  We wish you, your families and friends a very healthy, happy and prosperous 1992.

Howard and Susan Anderson 

+ + + + + + + + + +                                                         

December 1, 1990 

Dear Family and Friends,

As we prepare for the holiday season every year we look forward to hearing from each of you with news and pictures of your year. 

Howard is Vice President of the Motorola Experimental Computer Club of Arizona (MECCA), and a member of MENSA.  He plays banjo and sings tenor with the BluegrAz Express Band, which practices one night each week.  The band performed at the Mormon Lake Bluegrass Festival, Wickenburg Bluegrass  Festival,   Arizona Boys Ranch,  at parties and other functions.   He enjoys the Bluegrass jam sessions we have held in our home each Wednesday evening since August 1983.  He does research at home on his Amiga 2000 computer.  He loves his job with Motorola Inc., as a member of The Technical Staff, in the Technology Computer Aided Design/Advanced Technology Center.

Susan flew to Missouri, in February, for her Aunt Catherine Atkinson's memorial service and to be with her parents.  She again flew to Missouri in June for a visit with her parents, daughter Cynthia and grandchildren Sarah and John, from Arkansas.  Susan and Cynthia attended the Osceola High School All‑School Reunion week‑end.  In September Susan flew to Arkansas and cared for Cynthia, who was quite ill with an unknown virus, and for Sarah and John, for almost a month.

Susan hosts our Wednesday evening Bluegrass jam sessions, is a member of the AZ Genealogical Computer Interest Group, Family History Society of Arizona, Tempe  Book Discussion Group and Evening Book Discussion Group.  She has drastically reduced her active participation in many activities to make time available for her primary hobby of genealogy.  She uses her PC/AT computer for genealogical research, interacts with several computer bulletin boards, and  the Prodigy computer interactive service.

Daughter Shelly, twenty‑one, has a lovely apartment and is  parts manager for an auto body business, in Tempe. She enjoyed a July vacation in Florida with Scott and Kellie. 

Son Scott was promoted to Vice President of Logan Diving, Inc. (underwater engineers) last January.  He still spends a great deal of time in the Carribean area and all over the eastern half of the United States.  In February he and wife Kellie moved into a beautiful new brick home in Jacksonville, FL.  Kellie is a Foster Care Counselor for the State of Florida, Dept. of Health and Rehabilitative Services.

In July  daughter  Cynthia went to  Mombasa,  Kenya,  Africa,  with the Baptist  Coast  Crusade,  which  was thrilling  and rewarding.   She had sight‑seeing stops in London going and on the return trip.  She enjoyed a safari and was fortunate to see many elephants (getting rarer) and many other animals.  She is a chemistry laboratory assistant/teachers aide and a student at Arkansas Technical University, majoring in physical science.  She keeps very busy being an employed student, good mother to Sarah (age 8), and John (age 4), with their activities and her church activities.    

This year we've enjoyed: hiking in Ramsey Canyon Mile Hi Preserve south of Sierra Vista; the Arizona Bluegrass Association camp‑out near Flagstaff;  the Dons  Club  annual Superstition Trek  with fire‑fall; parties; plays; weddings; christenings; concerts by Cher, Randy Travis, Ricky Van Shelton, Tammy Wyanette, Jim and Jesse, Eddie Addock Band, Front Page News, Allison Krauss and Union Station; several Bluegrass festivals; and Helldorado Days in Tombstone, AZ.

In June Howard attended the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (he is a charter member of this association) in San Diego, CA and Susan accompanied him to one of her favorite cities.

We had a memorable trip to Oregon, in August,  for Howard's North Eugene High School 30th reunion.  The class hadn't met since their 20th reunion, but this was the FIRST reunion Howard had been able to attend and he was very glad we made the effort.  We enjoyed getting together with old friends, and also enjoyed our time spent at Yachats and along the very beautiful Oregon coast.  The tidal pools were teeming with life.  We are planning to return next summer to camp and hike with friends, and look forward to that trip very much.

In October we were visited by Sandra and Dewayne Thompson of Alexandria, VA, and enjoyed Tombstone, AZ, together.

Thanksgiving week we spent at Carlsbad, CA.  We visited the 200 inch telescope atop Mount Palomar, San Diego Wild Animal Park, Mission San Luis Rey, and Bates Nut Farm.  Most of all, we enjoyed walking on the beach and hearing the surf and sea birds.  It was a very enjoyable and relaxing week, we wish we could have extended the stay.

We are looking forward to your cards, letters, phone calls, and pictures!  We wish you,  your families and friends a very,  healthy, happy and prosperous 1991, as we begin our 21st year together ‑‑ our 20th wedding anniversary is December 31st.

Howard and Susan Anderson

+ + + + + + + + +

4 December 1989

Holiday Greetings From Sunny Arizona! 

The holidays are upon us.  We look forward to hearing from all of you with news of your activities and families.  We hope life has been good to all of you this year, as it has been to us.  

We flew home late Saturday night after spending two weeks in Florida.  The highlight was the marriage of our son, Scott, to Kellie, in Christ the King Catholic Church, Jacksonville, on November 25th.  We hosted the rehearsal dinner the evening before at Crawdaddy's, and enjoyed Thanksgiving with Scott, Kellie, and daughter Shelly.  We enjoyed two days in the St. Augustine area before Shellys return to Tempe.  Then we flew to Orlando for a weeks vacation, at Walt Disney World, EPCOT, and MGM Studio, staying at the new Carribean Beach Resort, where we had a wonderful time.  We are delighted to have another wonderful daughter, Kellie, added to our family.

1989 started with our trip to Pasadena, CA, and bleacher seating for the 100th Tournament of Roses Parade, which was a thrill, then visits to Disneyland and Palm Springs.

March saw the end of Susan's year as Newsletter Editor and Publicity Chairwoman for the Tempe Welcome Wagon Club, these volunteer jobs had been very time consuming.  This year she is only Chairwoman of the Book Discussion Group and evening Bridge groups.

In April we flew to Missouri for a nice visit with Susan's parents (their 55th wedding anniversary was April 13th), Aunt Catherine Atkinson in Kansas City,  Uncle Harry and Aunt  Adeline Scott in Ottawa, Kansas.  We drove a rented truck back to Arizona, bringing the antique pump organ that belonged to Susan's great‑grandmother.  We had bookcases built with space left for this organ on one wall of our living room.  We enjoyed the trip very much.

We spent twelve days in Washington, D.C., in June, for the IEEE's 3rd Annual Neural Network Conference.  While Howard attended lectures Susan did genealogical research in the Library of Congress and sightseeing.  Good friends Sandra and Dewayne Thompson and Elizabeth and Fred Nelson hosted a pickin' party for us.  It was great to see so many old friends again, and we surely appreciated the evening.  We spent several days sightseeing after the conference and enjoyed the trip very much.  This was our first visit back after moving to Arizona from Alexandria, VA, in 1983.

Daughter Cynthia, and grandchildren Sarah and John Wray, of Russellville, AR, spent the last two weeks of July with us.  We all had a marvelous time.  We enjoyed the Grand Canyon, Cameron Trading Post (on the Navajo Reservation), AZ Museum of Science and Technology, Phoenix Zoo, Rocking R Ranch, Organ Stop Pizza, AZ Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson, shopping, movies and swimming in our pool every day.

In August we enjoyed the annual Arizona Bluegrass Association's camp‑out in the pines near Flagstaff.  Memorial week‑end found us at Mormon Lake for a Bluegrass festival which was supurb.  We host open‑to‑all Bluegrass music jam sessions in our home each Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. until 10 p.m., having started (in AZ) in  August 1983, and plan to continue indefinately. 

The Tempe Daily News Tribune did a nice feature article about our weekly jam sessions, with a group picture, on July 19th.

Howard is active in the Motorola Experimental Computer Club of Arizona, plays banjo and sings tenor with the East Valley Bluegrass Express band, and finally joined MENSA, after testing in the 99th percentile.  He enjoys his work at Motorola, and research he does at home on his computer.

Susan is deep into her genealogical research, which is a full‑time job.  She is active in two book discussion groups and a ladies evening bridge group.  She took two series of bridge lessons, two genealogy writing classes, "Anchoring Into Self at Mid‑Life" classes, plus brief up‑dates on new computer techniques this year.  She is member of the AZ Family History Society, AZ Genealogical Computer Interest Group, and Tempe Welcome Wagon.

Together this year we have enjoyed: camping, hiking, travel, concerts (The Judds, Irish Rover's), opera "Tosca", some Colo. State Univ. alumni functions, playing in a couples bridge group, hosting the annual book discussion group dinner, annual pot‑luck dinner and Bluegrass pickin parties, the weekly Bluegrass jam sessions and many other functions which keep our calendars full!

We spent a week on the Navajo Reservation in October.  We visited: Window Rock Tribal Park; Window Rock, AZ, capital of the Navajo Nation; Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site near Ganado, AZ; Canyon De Chelly National Monument; took a full‑day trip through the bottom of Canyon Del Muerto and Canyon De Chelly, stopping to view pictographs, petroglyphs, and famous ruins (Antelope House, Standing Cow, Mummy Cave, Massacre Cave, White House, Sliding House Ruin) and Spider Rock with a Navajo guide; Mexican Hat, Utah; Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park; took a full‑day trip through Mystery Valley and Monument Valley, with a Navajo guide, stopping to view pictographs, petroglyphs, arches, ruins, visited a hogan to observe and meet a Navajo rug weaver, scenic spots (East Mitten Butte, West Mitten Butte, Elephant Butte, Three Sisters, John Ford's Point, Camel Butte, The Hub, Totem Pole, Yei Bi Chei, Sand Springs, Artist's Point, North Window, The Thumb and other points); Goudling Trading Post and Museum; and Cameron Trading Post.  The scenry is more beautiful in person than in movies or commercials.

In late October we hiked to Fort Bowie National Historical Site, picked apples at Brown's Orchard near Wilcox, visited Bisbee, Tombstone Courthouse State Park, Battle of the Bulls site, Post Museums at Fort Huachuca and Huachuca Canyon in southeastern Arizona.  We plan to return to this beautiful area soon.

Shelly is living at home and still employed at Impact Auto in Tempe, learning more areas of the business while enjoying her work and life.

Cynthia works almost full‑time and is a full‑time student at Arkansas Technical University.  John is a delightful, smiling, three year‑old who enjoys nursery school, books, Donald Duck, and playing cowboy.  Sarah is a lovely, smart, second grader, involved in Church choir and Girl Scouts, who loves books, Mickey Mouse, swimming, drawing, and learning new things.

Scott and Kellie reside in Jacksonville, FL.  Kellie is employed by the  Florida Dept. of Health and Rehabilitative Services, and  Scott is  Operations Manager for Logan Diving, Inc.  Scott was quoted and featured in a front page article in the Florida Times‑Union in June, and in the North Florida Boating News in May.  They have Louise, a registered Boxer dog, and Rambo, a grey Persian cat.  

With Sincere Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous 1990!

Howard and Susan Anderson

+ + + + + + + + + +

November 30, 1988

Holiday Greetings from Sunny Arizona!    

As we prepare for the holidays, we look forward to hearing from all of you with news of your past year.   We sincerely  hope you have  had as good  a year as we have.   When recently asked, "When was the happiest  or best time of your life?" we both immediately answered "NOW"!

We spent  last Christmas  with Susan's parents in  Missouri, the first time since 1970.  We were joined by Susan's Aunt Catherine from Kansas City;  daughter Cynthia,  her children Sarah and John,  from Arkansas;  son Scott and his girlfriend from Florida, for the wonderful week.  We had some snow and a good ole Missouri ice storm. 

In  January  Howard was assigned  to a new  Neural Network Development Group at Motorola.   He enjoys his  work very much.  At home he spends many hours,  evenings and most  week‑ends, doing work‑related software development and research on his AMIGA 2000 computer. 

January 24th  Howard held an  "open house" for  Susan's  50th birthday (although it is  the day after Christmas).   We enjoyed seeing seventy  of our friends and it is a very happy memory!

In February  Susan  accepted the  huge job  of  Newsletter Editor  and Publicity Chairwoman for the Welcome Wagon Club of Tempe.   She joined when the club was formed in March 1984.  She writes the newsletter and submits news releases for most of the clubs many activities to several newspapers.  These two jobs have turned out to be quite time consuming and as a result her  passion of genealogy has been in abeyance most of this year.

Susan attended a three day genealogy  conference/workshop at the Univ. of AZ  in  Tucson  in March.  She later  took a  two day class  in the  use of Personal Ancestral File (PAF)  software, which Howard installed on her PC/AT computer.

We enjoyed a relaxing trip to  Glen Canyon Dam, Lake Powell, boat trip to Rainbow Bridge  National Monument, Utah,  and the  south rim of the Grand Canyon, with a beautiful dusting of snow, in April.  

Later in April we hosted the fifth annual couples  pot‑luck  dinner of the book discussion group that Susan formed in October 1983. This year she has led discussions of "Bess W. Truman" by Margaret Truman, "Skinwalkers"  by Tony Hillerman, and in the  Welcome Wagon Book Group  led discussion of "The Haunted Mesa" by Louis L'Amour.

Susan  flew to  Missouri  in May  for a  visit  with her  parents, and Cynthia, Sarah  and  John, who came from Arkansas.  A highlight of the trip was being  part of four‑generations at the church's annual Mother Daughter Banquet and having her mother crowned "Mother of The Year". 

In May the Olds family and we camped at Black Canyon Lake, on the rim, and again enjoyed it very much.

June 4th  Howard was proud  to be best man  in the wedding of Jack and Dorothy Bernath.

July 3rd  we hosted a large swimming pool  and barbecue party, and believe a fine time was had by all.   In July Susan took a two day class in the use of Word Perfect  software which Howard had installed on her computer.

The end of July Howard (and the three other members of the Neural Network Development Group) attended  the IEEE's  2nd Annual International Conference  on Neural Networks in San Diego.  Susan and one other wife also attended.  Susan and Lin  went shopping in Rosarito and Ensenada, Mexico one day and  did other  sightseeing while the men were in meetings.  After  the conference we stayed  in San Diego  for several days vacation.  We visited the marvelous San Diego Zoo,  Sea World, Crystal Pier, Seaport Village and  several other places.   We always enjoy the San Diego area.

The third week‑end  of August is the annual Arizona Bluegrass Association (ABA)  camp‑out in the high country  near Flagstaff.  Although it rained on Sunday we enjoyed it as always.

The first week in September Howard  attended the 1st Annual conference of the International Neural Network Society  in Boston, Susan accompa‑ nied him. We spent a delightful week‑end with Lianne Carlin and family at Hadley, MA.  Susan and Lianne have been  best friends since Florida Southern College days.  In Boston, Susan went sightseeing while Howard attended meetings.   We did  enjoyed lunch  at the  Bull and Finch Pub (site of the t‑v show  Cheers), and the  New England  Aquarium.  Susan went up the coast to Portsmouth, NH, and York, Maine, for an enjoyable day.

In  September we attended  the great concert of Sammy Davis, Jr., Lisa Minnelli and  Frank Sinatra.   We also attend the Colorado State Univ. (CSU), and AZ State Univ. football game with the CSU alumni group.

The end of September we went to  Alpine, AZ, in the White Mountains to fish and hike, it was a beautiful week‑end.

In October we spent five days in the Alpine and Greer areas.  The fall colors  were beautiful.  We enjoyed trout fishing and hiking along the East Fork  of the Black River,  the East Fork  of the  Little Colorado River and several lakes.  It was a  relaxing and enjoyable time in the White Mountains.

We just returned from a five day trip to New Mexico over Thanksgiving.  We spent all day Friday and all day Saturday in the enthralling Carlsbad Caverns,  New Mexico.   Sunday we hiked the  steep  rocky trail to undeveloped  and unlighted  New Cave.   With about twenty  other hardy souls we took  a 2 1/2 hour  flashlight tour of this spectacular cave.  It was a memorable  experience.   We also briefly visited parts of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas.

Shelly is living at  home and working in Tempe.   She keeps quite busy and is  looking forward to  a trip to  southern California in December with a visit to Disneyland and other points of interest.

Scott has been in Jacksonville, Florida, almost five years where he is Operations Manager for Logan Diving, Inc. He enjoys his home and boat, when  not on jobs anywhere  in the USA,  the Carribean Sea  or Central America. He has a purebred Boxer named Louise, and is a happy bachelor who loves his job and life.

Cynthia is  very busy  being a good mother, working six hours a day and being  a  full‑time  student  at  Arkansas  Technical University.  She handles all of her activities  very well.  She is majoring in Physical Science and plans to teach  secondary school.  John will turn three on March 28th, and is a very  happy little fellow.  He enjoys his days at the  Sugar Plum Nursery.   Sarah is a bright, happy  first  grader who will turn seven  on February 28th.   She is active  in Brownie Scouts, and sings  in a church choir.   We look forward to having the three of them spend some time with us in Arizona next summer.

We began hosting weekly traditional  Bluegrass music  jam sessions, in our home, Tuesday evenings  in August 1983.   We enjoy  these evenings with friends very much.  Starting January 4, 1989, we are changing the night to  WEDNESDAY  (by popular  request)  and  shall continue  these weekly evenings of music for many years to come.

There is so much going on in Tempe that we have to pick and choose and tend to get a bit overloaded at times.  We like to hike in the area, attend plays and concerts, play in a couples bridge group, play bridge with other friends, attend Welcome Wagon parties, Bluegrass music pickin' parties and pot‑luck dinners in our home and homes of friends.  Susan is also active in three daytime bridge groups, an evening ladies bridge group, two book discussion groups, in addition to her newsletter and publicity job, tries to squeeze a little genealogy into the schedule, and hosting the weekly Bluegrass music jam sessions.  She hopes to devote large blocks of time to genealogy when she gives up her Welcome Wagon jobs the end of February.

The first Saturday  in  December are the annual parties of the Welcome Wagon Club and the  Arizona Bluegrass Association, and the calendar is getting over full for December, but we love it.

December 23rd  Susan will fix  turkey and all the trimmings for Shelly and her boyfriend.   December 24th  we will have our traditional chili supper and open our gifts.   We will enjoy dinner Christmas Day with a group of friends in the Albing home.   We look forward to the holidays as always.

As you watch the 100th Tournament of Roses Parade on January 2nd, look for us in the grandstand.   Susan has wanted to attend the parade ever since she was a little girl, and is looking forward to the trip.

With Sincere Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous 1989!

Howard and Susan Anderson

+ + + + + + + + + +

Since 1996 --- when I first located others with Carcinoid --- I have answered every email sent to me, although some replies were delayed longer than I liked. I am NO longer able to reply to all e-mails due to the volume and other things going on in my life (all good).  I do love hearing from others, but an unable to reply to all individually.  This web site was 17 years old on April 27, 2014, and my plan is to keep it updated for many years to come.

Since my husband "retired" I am away from my computer for days, and sometimes, weeks at a time.  Yes, there is wireless internet and we have tried that a number of places.  But, if I deal with email when we are away from home then it is not a "restful vacation" for me.

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