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Carcinoid A rare form of "slow-growing" neuroendocrine cancer

Susan Anderson - An advocate for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Awareness

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WELCOME to my web site!  I was diagnosed with Carcinoid Cancer May 10, 1995. Go to my Carcinoid section (and other sections, see to your left) to learn more about Carcinoid Cancer and for links to additional medical and useful information sites for people (and their families) with Carcinoid. Be sure to check The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, Inc. (CCF).   

27 April 2017 this web site was 20 years old, the 1st by a Carcinoid patient!
3 December 2017.  Message from Howard, Susan's husband:
Hi.  The Light of My Life has gone out.  Sunny Susan died at 1:07 PM on 29 November 2017 after a long struggle with the C. Diff. intestinal tract bacteria.  She was 79.  She did NOT die from Carcinoid so I hope that continues to give hope to those of you with Carcinoid.  I will be leaving this web site up at least as long as I live so that it can continue to provide information and hope to Carcinoid patients.  Here are links to more information:
There will be a “Celebration of Life” event from 1 PM to 6 PM on 17 December at Beach House, 603 East Carla Vista Drive, Chandler, AZ 85225. 
There will also be a “Celebration of Life” event at 10 AM on 22 December at Bella Vista, 1825 W. Emelita Ave, Mesa, AZ 85202.

Please, in lieu of flowers, etc., consider donating to the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, https://www.carcinoid.org/

I wrote this after an early morning dream in January 2021:

For Susan

From morning’s sleep I woke my dear
to sense you gone and nowhere near.
No phone or address had you sent
With fear I wondered where you went

Then as clouded mind came clear,
I knew that you had left this sphere
I cried again in early dawn.
My love for you goes on and on

I know not if we’ll meet again.
Perhaps upon another plane
If death proves that to be untrue
At least I’ll not be without you

From Howard



There is HOPE for those diagnosed with Carcinoid/NETS. 

I've started my 23rd year of active, full life: May 10, 1995 -- May 10, 2017.

April 27, 2017 was the 20th anniversary of this page;
 the FIRST by a Carcinoid patient.


I was diagnosed with Infiltrative Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) Breast Cancer on June 18, 1999
I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes December 6, 2004.  
Another challenge March 2013 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease.
April 23, 2014
I began Dialysis every evening at home due to being Stage 5.
In May 2014
we left our beloved home of 32 years and moved to an independent living community in Mesa, AZ. The down-sizing was very painful!

My memoir book Becoming Sunny Susan is available in
softcover and ebook!  by Susan L. Scott

Click on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBZnPOGHf-8

to view the 90 second book trailer video from YouTube!

My story is one many of you can identify with – an uplifting look at a life that I am determined to live well, despite all the obstacles I have been dealt. At the heart of the story is the idea of LIVING with cancer. It took eight years to correctly diagnose my rare disease, Carcinoid/ Neuroendocrine Tumors. Then, they said I would die in just a few more years. That was 18 years ago, and here I am! How have I faired? Very well. Read the book to find out how I have lived a happy life, even with cancer.

Would you help to spread the positive word by telling your friends, by gifting the book, and by posting a review for other readers on the www.amazon.com  page? We know how valuable a positive recommendation can be.


PLEASE take time to read "My Complete Carcinoid Story" or if rushed read  the short version "My Short Carcinoid Story", and review the information through this web site and linked from here -- the result of over twenty (20) years of  my research and work (since http://www.carcinoidinfo.info/mystoryshort.htm May 1995). 


Check the "Monitoring Carcinoid" section to read about tests and test frequencies recommended by several experienced Carcinoid physicians, and the "Local Support Groups" to learn if there is a group in your area.  
 Be sure to check the COPING and FUN section.
You shall find useful books on cancer, healing, wellness in my Medical Library

* * * * * * * * * * *

2013 - Another challenge -- March received the diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease - Stage 4.  Since then have gone on "vacation" from Peg Intron-A for awhile while remaining on Sandostatin LAR every 28 days.  I have had blood transfusions (gave me back my energy) and we are working, among other things, to prefect the correct diet  mix of diabetic and kidney disease - stage 4.

April 23, 2014 I began Dialysis every evening at home due to being Stage 5.

Mildred “Millie” Kowalski, of Novartis Oncology announced at the Carcinoid Conference, in New Orleans, 9/22/2012 that I, Susan Anderson, am the recipient of the 2012 Warner Advocacy Award. I was sorry that we were unable to attend.  I am honored and thrilled to receive this very meaningful award!  Dr. Richard R. W. Warner, at my request, accepted this award on my behalf.


On November 10, th the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation released the second video,
"Faces of Hope," in its 2012 series. Meet NET cancer survivors Claire, Josh, Judy, Kathy, Kenneth, and "Sunny" Susan (and Howard as a “care giver”) as they share their journeys about being diagnosed and living with rare neuroendocrine tumors, including lung carcinoid, carcinoid of the ileum, and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors".  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IqspD6YDEo  If you don't suspect it, you can't detect it."

My husband, Howard, and I reside in beautiful Mesa, Arizona, USA, where the sun shines more than 300 days each year, the flowers are always in bloom, the birds are always singing, we usually have bright clear blue skies, and it is a great place to live, count our blessings, and enjoy life! 

April 27, 2017 was the 20th anniversary of this page; the FIRST by a Carcinoid patien!.  

The guest book was added Nov. 16, 1998, but had to be taken down April 20, 2004 due to infiltration by spammers!

PLEASE continue to scroll down this page, thank you!

My Mission

I believe many of us may lead a full and active life while LIVING with Cancer, and other chronic conditions.  I have provided information and links for medical / drug databases, local support groups, humor, books, Bluegrass music, prayer lists, travel, political issues, AZ information, cowboy poetry, and much more that may assist you in living a full and almost normal life!  (Click the buttons on the left side of this page, or use the "Search" button to find a specific item of interest.) I have provided information and links to information I wish had been on the internet when I started my research in May 1995.

MY MISSION:  Answer the emails from around the world, generated by my web site, and provide solid medical information and/or links to such information.
Encourage people to:
           1) learn all they can about their kind of Carcinoid/Cancer,  
           2) consult with a doctor experienced in Carcinoid,
           3) do aggressive treatment, if appropriate for their case,
           4) do not obsess over the disease, and
           5) get on with life, give thanks for each and every day and live life to the best of their ability.

I consider myself an "advocate for carcinoid cancer and neuroendocrine tumor awareness".  I am a survivor of Carcinoid Cancer and Breast Cancer.

DISCLAIMER:  I am a patient and NOT a medical doctor or health care professional.  I share information and links to information that has been helpful to me and that I believe to be correct and good, but I cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information, except for MY stories.  I urge you not to rely only on this information but I believe you should discuss your situation and information with your medical doctors and/or other medical professionals.  "Sunny" Susan Anderson


Click on any picture above to see an enlarged image, thank you.

From left to right:   Howard and me in San Diego, CA, August 1995, within three months of my Carcinoid Cancer diagnosis and surgery; Kauai, HI, September 1997; Susan and Levi "The Birman" cat, October 1997;  at the first Carcinoid Seminar, Sarasota, FL, March 3, 1999; at my computer Oct. 1999; after the Carcinoid Symposium, Sarasota, FL, May 13, 2000; Susan giving presentation at the first Patient Support Advisory Board meeting in New York City, Nov. 2001; Susan member of Red Hat Society, Dec. 2003. -- Many more pictures in our "TRAVEL" section.


Contact Information

To email me:  SunnySusan@Cox.Net (Please see below)

Since 1996 --- when I first located others with Carcinoid --- I have answered every email sent to me, although some replies were delayed longer than I liked. I am NO longer able to reply to all e-mails due to the volume and other things going on in my life (all good).  I do love hearing from others, but an unable to reply to all individually. 

This web was 20 years old on April 27, 2017.

                                                                  * * * * * * * * * * *

Since my husband "retired" I am away from my computer for days, and sometimes, weeks at a time.  Yes, there is wireless internet and we have tried that a number of places.  But, if I deal with email when we are away from home then it is not a "restful vacation" for me.

PLEASE use the SEARCH capability at the top my pages.  You may search for a word, a phrase, a drug, a treatment, a book title or anything you can think of. You may search this site only, or search the complete World Wide Web.

To speak with a person please know you may call the “telephone information and support line” of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, Inc. (CCF), Tuesday through Thursday  10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time at  1-888-722-3132 (free) or 1-914-683-1001.   “The information and support line” is staffed by medical professionals.   Mondays and Fridays are research days, if you call then and do not reach a person do leave a clear message.  The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s (CCF) superb web site is at http://www.carcinoid.org

+ + + + + + + + + +

CCF -  Serving the carcinoid/NETs  patient and medical community for 
nearly 50 years (chartered in 1968)

   “Meets Extensive Standards of America’s Most Experienced Charity Evaluator”
Better Business Bureau

+ + + + + + + + + +

DISCLAIMER:  I am a patient and NOT a medical doctor or health care professional.  I share information and links to information that has been helpful to me and that I believe to be correct and good, but I cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information, except for MY stories.  I urge you not to rely only on this information but I believe you should discuss your situation and information with your medical doctors and/or other medical professionals.  "Sunny" Susan Anderson

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Copyright © 1997-2014 Susan L. Anderson. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: 07/19/15